ah the business that is advent.
i went to 3 parties this weekend! i met some very interesting new people and had the chance to see old friends and get to know malla better. malla is this awesome swedish homeopath lady who knits and spins with our group at black bear.
which group also met this weekend. i'm getting a ton of work done on my alpaca shawl, despite having to rip it out several times due to knitting in not enough light.
the third of my three recommending people has agreed to write me a recommendation for grad school! this is a big relief for me. i had to really work to track him down. there really aren't that many people i've worked with in an official capacity who can truly speak to my commitment to social justice issues...that's what happens when you've worked in corporate america for as long as i have. :(
i also finally got the unofficial transcript for my BA, which means i can scan it and e-mail it on to concerned parties and potentially register for the prerequisite classes i need at st. paul community college. and means that the schools i'm applying for finally got their official copies as well.
i called my folks last night to warn them that the great-grandmother of all snowstorms was coming through starting tomorrow and they'd best leave early in order to avoid as much of it as possible. they didn't get going as early as i'd hoped, but they are safe and most of the way here tonight. snow isn't expected til tomorrow afternoon, so maybe they won't have to put up with too much of it.
my brother and sister in law called to say that they will be flying through town on the 24th and will we be here in case they get snowed in at the airport? we will, but it is completely unlikely that the airport will shut down. MSP almost never shuts down for more than an hour or two. they are equipped to handle crazy weather.
i am hoping they do not cancel the xmas eve church service.
i got an AWESOME care package today from
keisolo. she had mentioned maybe doing a canned goods swap and i say YES because it's a fantstic idea....but she actually did it and i haven't gotten to more than planning. needless to say she is more awesome than i am. THANK YOU KEI! i will have to get going on the actual packing and sending of goods. there are some really awesome things she sent. i will have to learn how to eat chow chow and piccalilli though. :)
i volunteered this morning at the hubb center and everything was about celebrating the coming holiday. the ceilings have been dusted and the guest room is prepared for my parents and the carpet has been shampooed and vacuumed and laundry has been done. i made MORE bourbon balls as well as ginger molasses cookies. i have been to the liquor store and the grocery store (important since we have a tradition of mimosas and coffeecake xmas morning in my family.
however my xmas shopping is NOT done. ross's stocking is only about half planned-for. and i managed to forget both my dad's crappy white zinfendel (the only wine he really likes, strangely enough) and buns for the pork barbeque i mean to serve my folks while they're here. also i will have to go to stillwater (a good 20 minutes away - and with a snowstorm coming) in order to get cat food. hopefully i can kill several birds with one stone while i'm down there.
mostly though, the house is stocked and cozy. there is a beautiful blanket of crisp whiteness outside and our house smells of bacon and the white bean dip i made with garlic and roasted red peppers tonight to eat with fresh baked bread and beer cheese soup tomorrow. our tree is lit and lightly decorated (so as not to tempt the cats more than necessary). i have better than a 3.0 average to send off to grad school applications. my shawl is turning out awesomely and i have 3 cats and lots of people who love me. i have much to be grateful for.