FIC: Two Worlds, No Family (SG-Atlantis, Carson Beckett)

Nov 19, 2007 10:22

1. Allergic Reaction
2. Amputation
3. Broken Bone
Reigning Cats and Dogs

4. Bruises

5. Cancer
Two Worlds, No Family

6. Cold/flu/fever
7. Concussion
8. Crushing Injury

9. Drowning
10. Electric Shock
Rodney's Redemption

11. Frostbite/hypothermia
12. Heat exhaustion/stroke

13. Infection
14. Minor annoyances - papercut, hangnail,
stubbed toe, motion sickness
15. Neurological disorder - clinical depression

16. Puncture/Laceration - bullet wounds,
stabbing, impalement

17. Psychological trauma
18. Sensory loss/impairment
19. Skin disorders - boils, pox, rash, poison ivy...
20. Sleep disorders - nightmare
Good Cop, Bad Cop

21. Sprained or Strained muscle
22. Surgery (routine) - tonsils, appendix,
plastic surgery
23. Writer's Choice
24. Writer's Choice

Title: Two Worlds, No Family
Author: dr_dredd
Genre: angst, hurt/comfort
Season: Early season three, before "Common Ground"
Word count: 3148
Rating: PG
Feedback: Yes, please. I'd like to know if this worked for you or not.

Disclaimer: Stargate Atlantis, characters, concept, etc, aren’t mine. Please don't sue -- it's bad enough that I have to worry about malpractice insurance.

Summary: Carson sets up a cancer clinic for the Genii and relives some unpleasant memories.

Two Worlds

carson beckett, sga, cancer

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