1. Allergic Reaction
2. Amputation
3. Broken Bone
4. Bruises
5. Cancer
6. Cold/flu/fever
7. Concussion
8. Crushing Injury
9. Drowning
10. Electric Shock
11. Frostbite/hypothermia
12. Heat exhaustion/stroke
13. Infection
14. Minor annoyances - papercut, hangnail,
stubbed toe, motion sickness
15. Neurological disorder - epilepsy,
spinal cord damage, stroke, migraines, clinical
16. Puncture/Laceration - bullet wounds,
stabbing, impalement
17. Psychological trauma
18. Sensory loss/impairment
19. Skin disorders - boils, pox, rash,
poison ivy...
20. Sleep disorders - sleep dep,
narcolepsy, jet lag, snoring
21. Sprain/Strained muscle
22. Surgery (routine) - tonsils, appendix,
plastic surgery
23. Writer's Choice
24. Writer's Choice: We are here!
Here is Devil's Kitchen Title:
Here Is Devil's KitchenAuthor: Havoc (
Rating: PG-ish
Disclaimer: The No-Brand Heroes don't belong to me at all. Rats.
Summary: Kazuya Hasukawa doesn't think he'll enjoy his vacation in America, especially since his crossdressing roommate and conniving upperclassmen are along for the ride. But how disastrous can one dinner be?
It's hurt/comfort Greenwood style. Anyone who knows this fandom knows what I mean. ;-)
Word count: 1509