An offer.

Jan 19, 2007 21:56

Now that I’m commuting to work, I have to commute from work. And walking back from the bus stop every day, I pass by a fruit/vegetable stand. So today, being in a particularly annoyed mood from a bad day at work, I was waking home and felt the urge to buy a bunch of snow-covered lemons from the poor vendor who probably spent his whole day outside.

Now I have a dozen lemons and I’m in a weirdly generous mood. Plus, I have leftover ingredients from making that lemon cake last week. So. I will ship you a lemon cake (or other easily shippable lemon-based treat) if you promise to go out of your way to do a good deed this upcoming week for any random person.

Edit: I don’t mean that you should plan to do something specific, but that you will be aware of others and do a nice thing when the moment arises. And I’m asking for small things, they don’t have to be huge. Ask the homeless man if he'd like a warm meal and buy him one; offer your seat to the woman balancing a baby and a stroller; hold the door for someone; hold your umbrella over the head of the person caught in the rain, stuff like that. Do what you can, over what is expected of you.

Edit, again: I would love if this could be a meme of some sort. Offer something that you have or can easily provide that is uniquely yours to everyone in your F-list who is willing to commit to just one good deed for a random stranger in the next week.
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