(no subject)

Mar 23, 2006 15:02

You are 66% kinky

You are kinky. You are always up for trying something new in the bedroom... or wherever else you chose to.

Take this quiz at QuizUniverse.com

Hmm. I think I beat you, Ali.

Raw score: 57%
You're a fallen angel. There's some innocence there, but the sexual
dark side has called you and, possibly, is already using you. But
you're not evil, just naughty; dirty, but not filthy. You're
certainly hellbound, and you'll most likely seek out other imps like
yourself to work your wicked will. There might be a moral core inside
you, but it's been overtaken by lust.

AVOID: the heavenbound. Your path is downward, and you'll need a guide.

My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender:

You scored higher than 29% on hellishness
Link: The Sexual HELL Test written by jason_bateman on Ok Cupid, home of the 32-Type Dating Test

Sounds like fun. Anybody else joining me in Sexual Hell?

The Fool
You scored 72 change, 69 wellbeing, 45 wisdom, and 40 truth

The fool is an interesting card, it is a key of 0 and yet a key of 22
as well. There are 22 cards to the Major Arcana, starting with number
1-21..the number 22 would seem to be missing if we just called it 0.
The 0 key, represents the god force, the force before entering into
manifestation, but in the same right, this card completes the cycle as
number 22. Life continues on and on in a cycle and the number 22 is an
ancient symbol for a circle representing god and infinity, because a
circle has no starting point or end. The Fool represents the Super
conscious in which he has yet one more step ahead of him, symbolic of
the fact that we never come to our limit in potential.

The bright sun over head represents the life energy that is forever
rising. The mountains in the distance, even though bleak and cold
rising high in the sky bring forth water when the sun melts the peaks,
bringing life and nourishment to the ones below. His bag represents the
memories of the past, with the eagle on it representing an awaked view
towards aspirations. The white rose in his hand represents the pure
desire and untainted goals, while the dog at his feet is symbolic of
the lower incarnations that are elevated by evolution.

some extra words:


entering a new phase

striking out on a new path

expanding horizons

starting something new

beginning an adventure

going on a journey

heading into the unknown

being spontaneous

living in the moment

letting go of expectations

doing the unexpected

acting on impulse

feeling uninhibited

surprising someone

feeling carefree

having faith

trusting the flow

staying open

letting go of worry and fear

feeling protected and loved

living in joy

recapturing innocence


embracing folly

accepting your choices

taking the "foolish" path

pursuing a pipe dream

being true to yourself

taking a "crazy" chance

trusting your heart's desire

My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:

You scored higher than 83% on change

You scored higher than 70% on wellbeing

You scored higher than 6% on wisdom

You scored higher than 3% on truth
Link: The What tarot card resembles you Test written by KamikazeParrot on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the 32-Type Dating Test

I like this one.

This one, too. (That outfit looks like my last Halloween costume!)

Which Historical Lunatic Are You?
From the fecund loins of Rum and Monkey.


We still good for tomorrow, Ali?

And hey, Collins, Eutere, we're going out Friday night. Want to come?
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