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[ Brb on my way to you if I'm not there already 8| ] fallenfishes October 19 2009, 06:49:04 UTC

[ This is Fin. This is Fin upset. This is Fin confused (SHOULD I HUG HIM? SHOULD I YELL AT HIM!?). This is Fin with a large ass bruise on her arm. ]


[COMMENTLOGSKI] 1/2 2cool4europe October 19 2009, 07:24:55 UTC
[ Awkward turtle. ]


[COMMENTLOGSKI] 2cool4europe October 19 2009, 20:53:40 UTC
[ Fin was the last person Prussia wanted to see right now.

Fin and Stan.

And Austria.

And Denmar--

Okay, so there were a lot of people Prussia didn't want to see right now. And Fin was one of them. So, when she walks in with that unreadable expression, he doesn't say a thing. Hell, he can't even think of what to say.

Conclusion: Prussia does what he does best. Avoid the subject. ]

Get those bandages over there [ Point. ], and I'll fix up your arm.


[COMMENTLOGSKI] :| I wrote half of this during a test. wtf. fallenfishes October 20 2009, 01:33:21 UTC
[ Puppies are funny little pet. They act angry when they're just sad over when their loyal human friend and master leaves them alone. They gnaw on your pants, tugging and growling and whimpering. "DON'T GO DAMMIT." "NOOOOOOO." And, finally, when they come back they can do one of several things (After sulking whatever time that took).

One is running up halfway, looking around, trying to still act angry while still being distraught and clingy. As such, they sort've scoot over, slowly but surely, then lightly paw at your foot going "... ;; you're back right?".

Fin is no puppy, she is an angel. A soldier. ...but goddamn it she was pretty much going to do that more or less.

She was going to shift her weight awkwardly, look up at him, away, up at him again, and then to where he pointed before getting the bandages. Yes, she would get the bandages, but instead of running right over to accept his offer she'd just mummble and look at him.]

...I-It'll be fine. How are you feeling?

[ brb still being awkward. Gdmit. ]


[COMMENTLOGSKI] Shameee B| 2cool4europe October 20 2009, 02:31:47 UTC
[ Oh.


While typically, Prussia has the empathy of a shotgun, for once in his life he can still understand Fin's actions. Hell, if someone beat him with a broomstick, he'd be super wary, too. ]

You can use them yourself, then.

[ Dismissive hand wave here. Also, at her question, insert a subconscious hand to his chest. Being stabbed a bunch of times isn't fun, kids. And it leaves mega scars, mental and physical. 8(

Needless to say, he doesn't answer her question. ]


[COMMENTLOGSKI] [1/2 I think] fallenfishes October 20 2009, 03:09:04 UTC
[ Fin hesitated. Her eyes staring at the gauze in her hand before she had gave in. Remember that puppy thing?

She had trotted over with a bite to her lower lip before she reached and clung like a small child to one of his sleeves. Hi there, Prussia. YOU HAVE TO KILL ME TO MAKE ME HATE YOU.]


[COMMENTLOGSKI] [2/3] fallenfishes October 20 2009, 03:22:03 UTC
[ SHE REFUSE TO CRY AGAIN. Instead she strained a soft smile before looking up. ]

...You're not allowed to die again. [ A deep breath. No she wasn't going to angrily yell at him. She's just... YEAH. The whole event sorta screwed with everyone. ] I- I fail as your soldier [ and friend ] if you do! I'll chase you! Even if you- You act like-- [ Ignore her shaky voice. IGNORE IT. ] Even if you run away!

Even if you...


[COMMENTLOGSKI] [3/3] :|b fallenfishes October 20 2009, 03:23:25 UTC
Even if y-you h-hate--



[COMMENTLOGSKI] 1/2 2cool4europe October 20 2009, 03:32:28 UTC


[COMMENTLOGSKI] 2cool4europe October 20 2009, 03:46:25 UTC
[ Prussia cautiously reaches a hand out to awkwardly pat her on the head, but decides against it. And then decides against deciding against it, and does it anyways. ]

Don't... Uh, I-I, uh, mean... You don't have to cry like that...

[ Have I mentioned how much Prussia sucks in these situations? ]


[COMMENTLOGSKI] fallenfishes October 20 2009, 04:14:21 UTC
[ Truthfully, she was really scared of what he said was the truth deep down. That he thought that she was going to betray him. That he didn't really trust her. That he hated her deep down because of what she told him everything.

And then he had died because she was torn on that, because everyone was going crazy, because people told her she was stupid, because Layton disappeared and she was on the roof dwelling on the whole thing. he had died because she didn't give chase. Poor girl, she was really messed up because of the whole event. ]

Y-You're not allowed to die anymore! You're not! You've died enough! I'm supposed to help and protect you! I-I'm-- I-I'll-- Broom-- You-- Told--

[ Yet that hand helped in so many ways, even if it was a rather pitiful pat. In return she clung tighter to that sleeve and she just... bawled and spoke broken gibberish (hey, he might catch 'stan', 'dance', 'normal', 'paper', and 'punch' in there too). Either way, give her a few moments, Prussia-ski, she'll be okay in a bit she's just exhausted over the ( ... )


[COMMENTLOGSKI] 2cool4europe October 20 2009, 05:45:42 UTC
[ Oh God why was she still crying stop that please--

Realizing that the failure-patting wasn't working, he tentatively placed his free arm around her shoulder. Thus begins the most awkward one-armed hug in the history of the world. ]

Hush, Fin. It won't happen again, so there's no need to cry. Stop, now.

[ This is the most comforting Prussia will ever be. Ever. REMEMBER IT WELL. IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN. ]


[COMMENTLOGSKI] fallenfishes October 20 2009, 06:20:38 UTC
[ What was going on. What is this. What.

At first, Fin was startled, just a little, from the arm because she hadn't expected it. After all, at the most she had expected was that maybe he would tell her to 'shut up' and just stand there awkwardly. Perhaps try and change the subject to find who had killed him, who started to madness. Maybe tell her she was silly for saying such things herself.

Whatever it was she expected, she would've been fine as long as she was able to stand right there and he stayed ALIVE.

But that hug made her silence whatever gibberish she had left. Look up, stare, then proceed to have her pointy little ears droop with her wings How this is anatomically possible I HAVE NO IDEA DON'T ASK. Loud sobs had subsided to sniffles which was as much of stopping her crying as she could get for now. The tears weren't going to dry out until another moment or two, but they would fade soon enough. Finally, she nodded with a choked sound that was as much of an 'okay' and 'promise?' as she was going to give.

Oh wait. That ( ... )


[COMMENTLOGSKI] 2cool4europe October 20 2009, 07:12:04 UTC
[ The awkward levels of this situation have reached over nine-thousand. Not even gonna lie. But she had stopped crying, which was a total plus, and thus Prussia had completed his goal.

Nonetheless, he continued to speak. He remembered what he had said to her, what he had done. And deep down, though he'd never admit it, he felt guilty. He had to try and make amends with his soldier. ]

What I said before... It wasn't true, you know.

[ Smooth, man. An actual apology would be too hard for him, SO CONSIDER THIS A VERSION OF "I'M SORRY."

With that said, he oh so classily moves his arm away because, ew hugs ew. ]


[COMMENTLOGSKI] I'm half asleep omg I'm sorrry if this is so baaad. fallenfishes October 20 2009, 07:42:58 UTC
[ Nine-thousand nine-hundred and nine.

So the hugs were done. Not that it upset her. Fin was happy to get such comfort from her country and it was more than she wanted or even needed. As he pulled his arm away her her half hug of him would end.

And that 'apology', or as close to one that it could be, made those deep knots of doubt and fear loosen. That smile she tried earlier? More true and not forced in the least bit. ]

... It really was just because of what was going around then.


[COMMENTLOGSKI] 2cool4europe October 21 2009, 02:43:18 UTC

[ So he believed. So he hoped.

But Prussia wouldn't waste time pondering his actions or the past event. It was time for ~*~*ACTION~**~~*

Without another word, he takes the gauze from Fin's hand. ]

Here. Give me your arm.

[ Oh so eloquent. But it serves its purpose. The least he could do take care of the wound he caused. ]


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