[34] Icons
[1-9] 'Battlestar Galactica': SPOILERS for 'Razor' and Season 4
[10-34] 'Star Trek: Voyager'
[1-3] BSG: Razor
[4-5] Random Laura love
[6-9] BSG Season 4 Teaser
[10-11] 'Prime Factors'
[12-14] 'Cathexis'
[15-18] 'Resolutions'
[19-26] 'Bride of Chaotica!'
[27-30] 'Fair Haven'
[31] 'Future's End'
[32-33] Random Janeway quotes of awesome
: comment if taking. or if you want a lively discussion!
: credit is ♥
: textless=/=base
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• Hahaha, can you TELL I had a bunch of fun with this batch? Laura with a gun, Janeway as Arachnia, Queen of the Spider People...it all greatly amused me.
• I went back and re-did some 'Resolutions'. It's a pretty episode. I reserve the right to go back to it whenever I want, huzzah! Also, I reserve the right to use a ridiculous amount of the colour red. Shut up.
• This post brought to you by: Too much of the phrase 'Kiss-Kiss, Bang-Bang', Celine Dion, The opening credits of BSG, and my brain.
• No, seriously, Laura. With a gun. Seriously.
• Oh, also, new header. Okay, now I'm done (I've edited this thing probably eight ten--forgot an icon--times already). I know, get a life, yadda yadda yadda.