Mar 04, 2005 13:33
First Best Friend- Jill Wilbanks- I miss that girl!!
First Car- My nifty 1987 Gray Honda Accord- with the AWESOME swivel head-lights- ask Travis how much I loved them- i tend to talk about them a lot;)
First kiss on the lips- David Rich- we used to kiss everyday at nap-time in kindergarden.
First "Real Kiss"- Gene.
First Break-Up- Gene.
First Screename- No idea- I've had my current one for awhile now.
First self-purchased Album- Ace of Base- The Sign and Desree - I thought I was so cool:)
First Funeral- some distant relative that I'd never met.
First Pet- Prince.
First True Love- "I plead the fifth".......... ( that alone should explain a lot.....)
First Enemy- Leslie T. ( lucky me- she was in school with pretty much my whole school career too.)
First Big Trip- Disney World when I was four, with my Mommy!!!!
First Music You remember listening to in your house- Buddy Holly with Jim, and The Beatles mix- tapes of my mom's and tons of oldies, Tina Turner
Last Ride- Katie brought me home from Preschool- since I still don't have a car.
Last Kiss- not real sure- but prolly Lily ( my sister) My last "REAL" kiss was about 4 mths ago.
Last good cry- A few days ago.......
Last Movie seen- In the theatre- Hitch with Travis :) on DVD- some of The Sure Thing.
Last beverage- besides water- Sundrop Last Night.
Last food consumed- Yummy Brushetta from Target
Last Crush- Am I supposed to have one of these? Like I told Jess and Katie- I'm having fun being a "player" ;)
Last phone call- Gene. :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
Last Time Showered- Last night
Last Shoes Worn- my fake Birkies
Last item bought- ponytail holders
Who are your very best friends- The EC Girls, Gene, Brandon, and Amanda Q.
Do you have a boyfriend/ girlfriend- Nope- it's prolly because I'm "conflicted" hahahahaha:) all jokes aside- I've been thinking that being single is the best thing for me right now.
Where is your favorite place to shop?- I can only pick one? But I'm gonna have to go with Media Play or Barnes and Noble or Target, or Parson's, or Journeys or Abbadabbas or..........
Any tatoos or piercings- no tatoos- I kinda want one- but I'm making sure it's not just a passing thought- since they are FOREVER!!!!! one hole in my left ear- two in my right- I want to get another set in my ears- and my belly button pierced:)
Do you do drugs? nope
What kind of Shampoo do you use? Matrix or Suave Apple
What are you most scared of? Losing my best friends, and I have fear of commitment.
What are you listening to right now? " Let Me Love You" By Mario. I really need to just break down and buy this cd.
Where do you want to get married? On a Beach. Preferably by 28;)
How many buddies are online now- On MSN- Mike On AOL- only Kevin- the rest are away.......
Colors- Blue and pink lately
Food- Mexican and Italian
Boys' Names- I like unusaul ones- but I like Caden and Jake
Girls' Names- Elizabeth as a middle name, and I also like London and Brooklyn
Subject in school- Art Appreciation
Animals- Cats I guess
Sports- not really big on these- I like to watch gymnastics alittle.
Perfume- Clinique Happy or RAlph By Ralph Lauren
Cologne- Depends on who it is:)
Make- up- Burt's Bees Lip Gloss- It's starting to be a cult!!!!!
HAVE YOU EVER.........
Smoked- nope
Made yourself throw up- yes
Skinny-dipped- yep
Been in love- HECK YES!!!
Fallen for your best friend- Yes.
Been Rejected- yes.
Rejected someone- yes
Used someone- Unfortunately yes.
Done something You Regret- Yes- but whatever you do makes you who you are.
Clothes- Snowman Pj pants, my cool Monopoly Socks, blue shirt
Music- " Let ME Love You" By Mario.
Annoyance- it's freezing in this basement
Smell- nothing
Fav Artist- MARIO and Cake
Desktop Pic- none- it's just a blue background
DVD in Player- none
Last person you hugged- Kyle at Preschool.
Last person you imed- Tori.
ARE YOU.................................
Open-minded- yes
Arrogant- yes- quite frequently actually
Interesting- yes
Moody- Aren't all girls?;)
Hardworking- most of the time
Organized- Depends
Healthy- Yes- amazingly I've only gotten sick once since working at preschool.
Attractive- HECK YES!!!!!!!
Bored- Yes why else would I be doing this?
Responsible- Well. a lot of people trust me with their young-uns so I'm gonna go with yes.
Obsessive- Yes Of course.
Angry- This happens sometimes.
Sad- Not right now.
Disappointed- A little bit- I thought that I was going to hang out with Katie tonight- but I can't.
Hyper- Quite Often:)
Trusting- Yes- alittle too much sometimes.
Talkative- What do you think guys?;)
Legal- Yep, only 7 years til I'm the big 3-0!!!!
WHO DO YOU WANNA....................
Kill- The Bad Guys in Iraq so that all my friends over-seas can come home- and so that Gene won't have to go there in July.
Jason, Frank, and James- I have so so much respect and pride for the 3 of you. I'm proub of you all- and I hope that you get to come home soon.
Slap- nobody
Look Like- Nobody- I'm happy being me.
Talk to online- My Twin or Brandon.
Coke/Pepsi- Vanilla Coke or Cheerwine ( Travis ROCKS because he brought me some back from Clemson)
Flowers/Candy- Flowers
Tall/ Short- If I'm gonna date them- they can't be shorter than me.
Thick or Thin- Depends on the person.
Long/ Short- On me- Long Hair - On Guys- It depends on who it is:)
In the morning I am - thinking how much longer can I sleep without being late to work?
All I need is- LOVE.
Are you a virgin- Yep.
What do you notice on a person first? It depends- but usaully it's eyes or their smile.
Last person you dance with- Devan- yesterday in Movement.
Worst question to ask a crying person- no idea- I'm not feeling creative.
Who makes you laugh the most? the Kiddos at work, Brandon, Gene, Travis, My Twin.
Who makes you smile? lately it's been Travis, Devan, Marisa and Alexa, and the rest of my "Fan Club"
Who gives you a funny feeling when you see them- I could write a book on this......... But when I see AM I have a panic attack so does that count? If I ever see CS I would prolly have to run far far far away- and I probably would have to go home right then and there. there are other people from good ole Ec that it's weird to see them.
DO YOU EVER..............................
Sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone to IM You? Yeah- I used to do that quite a bit a few years ago........
Wait to see if I don't im someone first if they will im me? Yes- but only certain people.
Wish you were a member of the opposite sex? HELL NO!!!!!!!!!
Wish you were younger? Not really.
Of times I have had my heart broken- Fully Broken- 0 Partially Broken- twice.
Of Hearts I've broken- One.
OF Guys I've kissed- hmm let's see- 10.
Of girls I've kissed- none- that's gross.
of Continents I've lived in- 1- but Amanda and I want to live in Paris ONE DAY!!!!!!!!!!
of tight friends- 8.
Lator Gators!!!!!
~ Emily~