I don't understand

Dec 08, 2007 21:27

a lot of things. But I especially don't understand why people do things for selfish, closed-minded, and hateful reasons. When there is so much in the world that can be appreciated when left alone, why do people feel the need to change things and put their influence upon them? I'm finding it really hard to live the way I do without feeling guilty about all the things I waste and take for granted. I am bothered by where society seems to be going at times and yet, do nothing to stop it. I wish that I could speak up more often and try to explain my point of view to others but I find that I am often paralyzed by fear and anxiety. I want so badly to finish college with my desired degree and begin to work to help the world, but I know there are things I could do now. So why don't I? I suppose I don't for the same reason everyone else stands by and lets society absorb them. I think all of this came from a day at the museum then watching CNN Hero Awards. I feel horribly insignificant but at the same time I know that I do have the power to do something. I just need to decide on what.
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