Jan 04, 2009 20:29

Please select two of the tables below then head over here to make your claims.


TABLE #01 01.Silence02.Trust03.Dream04.Help05.Misplaced06.Insanity07.Forever08.Sleep09.Dangerous10.Writer's Choice

01.Silence 02.Trust
03.Dream 04.Help
05.Misplaced 06.Insanity
07.Forever 08.Sleep
09.Dangerous 10.Writer's Choice

TABLE #02 01.Colors02.Summertime03.Mirror04.Desperate05.Theories06.Captured07.Memory08.Fire09.Childhood10.Writer's Choice

01.Colors 02.Summertime
03.Mirror 04.Desperate
05.Theories 06.Captured
07.Memory 08.Fire
09.Childhood 10.Writer's Choice

TABLE #03 01.Golden02.Serenity03.Harvest04.Choice05.Broken06.Whore07.Cold08.Lawful09.Persephone10.Writer's Choice

01.Golden 02.Serenity
03.Harvest 04.Choice
05.Broken 06.Whore
07.Cold 08.Lawful
09.Persephone 10.Writer's Choice

TABLE #04 01.Proof02.Glass03.Serve04.Words05.Rough06.Air07.Whisper08.Lie09.Spirit10.Writer's Choice

01.Proof 02.Glass
03.Serve 04.Words
05.Rough 06.Air
07.Whisper 08.Lie
09.Spirit 10.Writer's Choice

TABLE #05 01.Reavers02.Addict03.Protect04.Mercenary05.Vera06.Follow07.Burn08.Assassin09.Reader10.Writer's Choice

01.Reavers 02.Addict
03.Protect 04.Mercenary
05.Vera 06.Follow
07.Burn 08.Assassin
09.Reader 10.Writer's Choice

TABLE #06 01.Asyphxiate02.Progression03.Hallowed04.Relevant05.Decompose06.Synthetic07.Monsoon08.Nefarious09.Verbatim10.Writer's Choice

01.Asyphxiate 02.Progression
03.Hallowed 04.Relevant
05.Decompose 06.Synthetic
07.Monsoon 08.Nefarious
09.Verbatim 10.Writer's Choice

TABLE #07 01.Storm02.Preacher03.Naive04.Mischeif05.Practical06.Lucid07.Ocean08.Chaos09.Void10.Writer's Choice

01.Storm 02.Preacher
03.Naive 04.Mischeif
05.Practical 06.Lucid
07.Ocean 08.Chaos
09.Void 10.Writer's Choice

TABLE #08 01.Money02.Rim03.Uncoth04.Morals05.Physical06.Naked07.Heartless08.Obscene09.Loyalty10.Writer's Choice

01.Money 02.Rim
03.Uncoth 04.Morals
05.Physical 06.Naked
07.Heartless 08.Obscene
09.Loyalty 10.Writer's Choice

TABLE #09 01.Wake02.River03.Liar04.Truth05.Early06.Blood07.Death08.Regret09.Alibi10.Writer's Choice

01.Wake 02.River
03.Liar 04.Truth
05.Early 06.Blood
07.Death 08.Regret
09.Alibi 10.Writer's Choice

TABLE #10 01.Hero02.Voices03.Midnight04.Secret05.Ultimatum06.Answer07.Weapon08.Hate09.Villian10.Writer's Choice

01.Hero 02.Voices
03.Midnight 04.Secret
05.Ultimatum 06.Answer
07.Weapon 08.Hate
09.Villian 10.Writer's Choice

01 - Sinful - "I'm a fan of all seven." - Mal 01.Sloth02.Gluttony03.Pride04.Envy05.Greed06.Lust07.Wrath08.Mercy09.Wisdom10.Writer's Choice

01.Sloth 02.Gluttony
03.Pride 04.Envy
05.Greed 06.Lust
07.Wrath 08.Mercy
09.Wisdom 10.Writer's Choice

02 - Colors - "He looks better in red." - River 01.Blue02.Red03.Purple04.Green05.Brown06.Yellow07.Gray08.Orange09.Black10.Writer's Choice

01.Blue 02.Red
03.Purple 04.Green
05.Brown 06.Yellow
07.Gray 08.Orange
09.Black 10.Writer's Choice

03 - Words - "Bee-jway!" - Mal - Translations01.Wan Mei02.Gou pi03.Xie xie04.Wode tian05.Ni zi06.Tyen tsai07.Jia ting08.fong luh09.Ba ba10.Writer's Choice

01.Wan Mei 02.Gou pi
03.Xie xie 04.Wode tian!
05.Ni zi 06.Tyen tsai
07.Jia ting 08.fong luh
09.Ba ba 10.Writer's Choice

04 - Go Greek - "If I'da wanted schoolin' I'da gone to school!" - Jayne 01.Agamemnon02.Orion03.Apollo04.Demeter05.Orpheus06.Ariadne07.Perseus08.Pygmalion09.Atalanta10.Writer's Choice (of Greek mythology)

01.Agamemnon 02.Orion
03.Apollo 04.Demeter
05.Orpheus 06.Ariadne
07.Perseus 08.Pygmalion
09.Atalanta 10.Writer's Choice (of Greek mythology)

05 - Ode To The Bard - "Yes, I've read a poem. Try not to faint." - Mal - Full Quotes01.Orsino; Twelfth Night02.Cassius; Julius Caesar03.Lady Macbeth; Macbeth04.King/Henry V; Henry V05.Desdemona; Othello06.Queen; Hamlet07.Murellus; Julius Caesar08.Puck; A Midsummer Night's Dream09.Benedick; Much Ado About Nothing10.Writer's Choice (of any Shakespeare line)

01.Orsino; Twelfth Night 02.Cassius; Julius Caesar
03.Lady Macbeth; Macbeth 04.King/Henry V; Henry V
05.Desdemona; Othello 06.Queen; Hamlet
07.Murellus; Julius Caesar 08.Puck; A Midsummer Night's Dream
09.Benedick; Much Ado About Nothing 10.Writer's Choice (of any Shakespeare line)

06 - Fairy Tales - "Ooo, Look at the preeties!" - Kaylee 01.Princess02.Knight In Shinning Armor03.Toad/Frog04.Damsel In Distress05.Fairy Godmother06.Ballroom07.Sword08.Glass Slipper09.Midnight10.Writer's Choice (should be Fairy Tale related)

01.Princess 02.Knight In Shinning Armor
03.Toad/Frog 04.Damsel In Distress
05.Fairy Godmother 06.Ballroom
07.Sword 08.Glass Slipper
09.Midnight 10.Writer's Choice (should be Fairy Tale related)

01 - Mixed Tape - Lyrics 01.Coma White02.Bring Me To Life03.Hot N Cold04.Falling Away From Me05.Control06.Circles07.Numb08.Prelude 12/2109.Baptize Me10.Closer

01.Coma White 02.Bring Me To Life
03.Hot N Cold 04.Falling Away From Me
05.Control 06.Circles
07.Numb 08.Prelude 12/21
09.Baptize Me 10.Closer

02 - Linkin Park Rules - Lyrics 01.Given Up02.Papercut03.Don't Stay04.Crawling05.No More Sorrow06.Breaking The Habit07.Faint08.In Between09.In The End10.Leave Out All The Rest

01.Given Up 02.Papercut
03.Don't Stay 04.Crawling
05.No More Sorrow 06.Breaking The Habit
07.Faint 08.In Between
09.In The End 10.Leave Out All The Rest

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