mmmm my icon will make more sence when a certain movie comes out.

May 27, 2005 23:02

so pretty much im bored and hyper for no reason. i jsut worte 6 pages of complete nonsense and erased it all in a mtter of 20 minutes but my hands wotn stop typing, so i decided to go onto this thing. sorry ahead for the bad spelling, but im not really in control of my hands anyways. never really have been. well maybe thats not true. oh well. anyways! its my sisters graduation tomorrow....but not really, shes not REALLY graduating, but shes graduating in them iddle of the year so shes oging to get her diploma with the class shes gone to college with.

ive been listeing to the same jack johnson song for about an hour now, 15 times :) im not sure why, its not incredibly amazing or anyhting, but i like his voice when he says one word, the rest of the song doesnt do much for me. the song is called breakdown. and when he says breakdown it sends shivers down my spine...i dont know why. oh well.

ok, so school ending soon. i was supposed to bring in my ben and jherrys application today, but i didnt...shit. i should give that in soon. i really really really want the job, but i dont know if ill be able to get it. it would be really nice to get some money this break. not to mention i get to give ice cream to all the hungry stoned kids. SO many stoned kids go into ben and jerrys. they give them lots of money (aka give arielle lots of money...if she works there)

Im thinking aobut this year and how fast its gone. but at the same time, how slow! ive only visited BHDS like twice, and thats not cool. ive only sene knox once! which makes me so sad. i want to tlak to him, but at the same time (this section taken out, sorry) fuck! this is ending!i have to stop talking, or better yet, typing, or better yet thinking. but my head isnt stoppping and this jack johnson song KEEPS playing. jesus! i really should take it off repeat.....oh well. ive said oh well a lot oon this post, oh well.

i havent been watching as many movie as i used to. jsut not as much time anymore. im always doing work, or being tired. wait. stop. reverse it.

soof gave me the new gorillaz CD yesterday....not wait, he let me BURN it. It's good. people don't respect them enough. they expiremnt so much. not to mention deltron is like the main rapper and hes the shit. and the lead singer is the singer of blur, and theyre cool too. gorillaz need a better now.

louis XIV on june 22nd. im so excited that was liek one of the best concert i had ever been to. i wanted to jump on stage and jsut like....ok stopping there. but yeah theyre amazing. also im seeing wilco, ben harper, gomez, black keys, le tigre, beck....does the summer get any better than that?! im oging to be SO broke by the end of the summr i know it. bnut so many good bands are coming and i jsut cant help it!!!. ok i have to stop typing and go to bed...seriously cause like i have to wake up early tomorrrow. ok im ending, i swear. ok, goodbye.
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