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Nov 19, 2024 19:24

Conformally invariant charge fluctuations in a strange metal https://arxiv.org/abs/2411.11164
Xuefei Guo, Jin Chen, Farzaneh Hoveyda-Marashi, Simon L. Bettler, Dipanjan Chaudhuri, Caitlin S. Kengle, John A. Schneeloch, Ruidan Zhang, Genda Gu, Tai-Chang Chiang, Alexei M. Tsvelik, Thomas Faulkner, Philip W. Phillips, Peter Abbamonte
The strange metal is a peculiar phase of matter in which the electron scattering rate, τ−1∼kBT/ℏ, which determines the electrical resistance, is universal across a wide family of materials and determined only by fundamental constants. In 1989, theorists hypothesized that this universality would manifest as scale-invariant behavior in the dynamic charge susceptibility, χ′′(q,ω). Here, we present momentum-resolved inelastic electron scattering measurements of the strange metal Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+x showing that the susceptibility has the scale-invariant form χ′′(q,ω)=T−νf(ω/T), with exponent ν=0.93. We find the response is consistent with conformal invariance, meaning the dynamics may be thought of as occurring on a circle of radius 1/T in imaginary time, characterized by conformal dimension Δ=0.05. Our study indicates that the strange metal is a universal phenomenon whose properties are not determined by microscopic properties of a particular material.
Comments: 14 pages, 4 figures + supplementary data

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Ohm's law, Joule heat, and Planckian dissipation https://arxiv.org/abs/2501.01797
Hiroyasu Koizumi
We will show that the Planckian dissipation observed in strange metals including cuprate superconductors can be attributed to the dissipation due to the gauge fluctuation of the Berry connection. In the due course, we revisit the well-studied dissipation problem, Joule heating by electric current in metallic wires. It is known that Poynting's theorem explains it in a strange manner: The energy for the Joule heat enters from the outside of the wire as radiation; and consumed in the wire. This explanation is rectified by considering the generation of the chemical potential gradient inside the wire by the battery connection. Then, the Joule heat is obtained as the energy of the emitted radiation from the wire with its energy supplied by the connected battery. We also examine discharging of a capacitor and supercurrent flow through the Josephson junction.

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