Ради заголовка я погрешил против истины, на самом деле девочки там были в меньшинстве, так что честный заголовок должен был бы быть "Что будет, если подпустить японских школьников к ускорителю" :)))
An accelerator experiment for junior and senior high school students to improve students' involvement in fundamental physics:
https://arxiv.org/abs/2201.00576 K.S. Tanaka, K. Harada, T. Hayamizu, R. Kita, R. Kono, K. Maruta, H. Nagahama, N. Ozawa, Y. Sakemi, R. Sugimori
In Japan, research activities by junior and senior high school students show an upward trend. However, there are limited examples of research activities in the field of elementary particles and atoms. This is due to the difficulty associated with procuring research tools such as accelerators or particle detectors. Therefore, we hosted the "Accel Kitchen" in 2018 and 2019 at Cyclotron and Radioisotope Center (CYRIC) in Tohoku University where junior and senior high school students could participate in ongoing research of particle and atomic physics. At each workshop, 12 junior and senior high school students participated in the beam experiment, including the production of francium atoms (Fr) by the fusion reaction of oxygen and gold, optimizing the transport of the ion beam and identifying the alpha decay nuclei, and laser trapping of Fr for two days. Each group that was involved in the experiment was supported by researchers and university students who acted as mentors. This was the first opportunity for junior and senior high school students to know about the particle beam experiment in Japan.
Comments: 8 pages, 18 figure
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sputnik_stan с подобающей случаю картинкой:))))