Путаем мягкое с теплым: не самый обычный объект, в котором изучаются ионизационные потери энергии

Dec 06, 2021 13:50

Mixed Stochastic-Deterministic Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory: Application to Stopping Power of Warm Dense Carbon: https://arxiv.org/abs/2112.01638
Alexander J. White, Lee A. Collins, Katarina Nichols, S. X. Hu
Warm dense matter (WMD) describes an intermediate phase, between condensed matter and classical plasmas, found in natural and man-made systems. In a laboratory setting, WDM needs to be created dynamically. It is typically laser or pulse-power generated and can be difficult to characterize experimentally. Measuring the energy loss of high energy ions, caused by a WDM target, is both a promising diagnostic and of fundamental importance to inertial confinement fusion research. However, electron coupling, degeneracy, and quantum effects limit the accuracy of easily calculable kinetic models for stopping power, while high temperatures make the traditional tools of condensed matter, e.g. Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory (TD-DFT), often intractable. We have developed a mixed stochastic-deterministic approach to TD-DFT which provides more efficient computation while maintaining the required precision for model discrimination. Recently, this approach showed significant improvement compared to models when compared to experimental energy loss measurements in WDM carbon. Here, we describe this approach and demonstrate its application to warm dense carbon stopping acr

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