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Semi-classical approaches to heavy-ion reactions: fusion, rainbow, and glory:
https://arxiv.org/abs/2010.00833 L.F. Canto, K. Hagino, M. Ueda
A semi-classical approximation has been a powerful tool in understanding the dynamics of low-energy heavy-ion reactions. Here we discuss two topics in this regard, for which Mahir Hussein was a world leading pioneer. The first topic is heavy-ion fusion reactions of neutron-rich nuclei, in which the breakup process of the projectile nucleus plays a crucial role. The second is rainbow and glory scattering, for which characteristic oscillatory patterns in differential cross sections can be well understood in terms of intereferences among several semi-classical trajectories.
Comments: 10 pages, 7 figures. A contribution to the topical issue "Cluster structure and dynamics of nuclei - A tribute to Mahir Hussein", to be published in Euro. Phys. J. A