Надо же, только сегодня рассказывал студентов на квантовой теории рассеяния мой любимый эйконал - и вот он в арХиве! Во введении все расписано как в учебнике, дальше - современные приложения:
The eikonal model of reactions involving exotic nuclei; Roy Glauber's legacy in today's nuclear physics:
https://arxiv.org/abs/1911.11446 In this contribution, the eikonal approximation developed by Roy Glauber to describe high-energy quantum collisions is presented. This approximation has been-and still is-extensively used to analyse reaction measurements performed to study the structure of nuclei far from stability. This presentation focuses more particularly on the application of the eikonal approximation to the study of halo nuclei in modern nuclear physics. To emphasise Roy Glauber's legacy in today's nuclear physics, recent extensions of this model are reviewed.
Comments: Contribution to the proceedings of 24th edition of the European Few-Body Conference (Surrey, UK, 2-4 September 2019). 14 pages, 9 figures