Apr 07, 2010 23:02
Ok got into work today happen to look at yesterday's paper and guess who was in my town, my town 10 mins up the road from my house...Stephen Hawking! One of the greatest scientific minds of our times 10 minutes from my house! Needless to say it was a *facepalm, headdesk* kinda moment for me then I whined.
After reading the article found out the tickets were sold out at the Rudder Auditorium at Texas A&M - twice, Hawking being the first to do so. 2,500 seats and then another 750 seats were open for overflow.
One of my co-workers husband and son went. She asked her son why did he want to see him, to see how he communicated or to learn about black holes...her 7 year old's answer - to see how he communicated. I should have had that ticket. She also said that because it took Hawking so long to address questions from the audience that there were other experts there to field the questions for him When one of the experts gave a wrong answer Hawking made a point to plainly saying - "NO". I would have given anything to have been a part of that moment - LOL!
It seems he was having a pair of buildings worth 82 million dollars dedicated in his name. A billionaire investor responsible for most of the funding.
In any case being new to the area I was told this isn't Hawking's first visit here and now with the new buildings maybe he will be back next year. At age 68 he's a fighter so I can hope. I just need to make sure I'm at the front of the ticket line. You think standing in line starting now is a good idea?
hawkings @ a&m; rants