Jul 21, 2004 18:43
(note* started this yesterday, 7-20-2004)
Of all the special days that I celebrate, today is the most special to me: the anniversary of the day that men landed on the Moon. I can't get over thinking about all the humans who ever lived, all the humans who I've read about in history like Franklin, Newton, Henry VIII, Cleopatra, Nero, Jesus, Hannibal, not to mention all those whose names I don't know, the genius who intented the wheel, the first calendar, zero, etc, all the humans who looked up at the Moon every single night of their lives and saw something so close, yet forever out of reach. The Moon is something all humans have in common. It's part of all our lives going back as far as we do. The achievement of going there was for them as much as for those of us alive now. I wonder whether those who lived before knew that we were going to reach the Moon someday? Did they know that, being human, we'd have to try, and that, being persistent and smart, we'd have to succeed? A lot did, probably.
Saw I, Robot tonight and I thought it was OK. There were tons of things I would have done differently, and the plot seemed like it was written by one of the robots. But there was a lot of good stuff also. I wonder whether most of the people will come away with a better feeling for robots, or a worse feeling? Would they go out and buy one, if robots were on the market and available?