New Community & msg to fourwhitewalls

Jul 03, 2004 14:12

Started the 'Ayn Rand Group' and invited some people to join. I've also contacted some people from the ARF and apologized to them. I'm interested to see what happens next. One possibility is that the ARF is populated mostly by those who feel a loyalty to the "official" wing of Objectivism, the one LP leads, and were never really interested in my 'rudeness', but more in what I said that was not doctrinaire. In all my years as a "Student of Objectivism", I've never run into this group before, although I've read about it (in things David Kelly has written). I still find it hard to credit tho, and need more evidence. It's hard for me to believe that there are those who read Rand and come away thinking that it's ok not to question a thought that you either disagree with or don't understand. The reactions I'm getting to Nathaniel are quite odd also. How can you hate someone because of a private incident that happened in 1968 to strangers? Especially given his amazing and fundamental work in psychology. He's such a nice guy too. It makes me angy to see him libeled by these people.

I can't post to your lj, so I can't figure out how to invite you to my new forum. If you read this you're invited to come to

Is there a way to contact people here other than posting to their journals?
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