May 11, 2005 14:12
Dear Amity,
I just wanted to say I applaud you. I must admit you are stronger than I thought. You have a power of bouncing back that I didn't know you had. So congratulations. But just because you have won the battle dosen't mean you have won the war. This isn't over and if you think you can go through life with a smile on your face you are wrong my friend. Don't act like you can't hear me. You created me and now you are going to live with me. I may become powerless but I will never die. You can't ignore me forever.
You are already scared. I have been reading your thoughts and I know you feel alone. What scares you the most is you know when your worst fears come true you will be left all alone with me. Because I will never leave you. Friends come and go. Boy friends come and go. Even family comes and goes. But I am forever. As long as you are breathing I'll be here. I flourish in your self doubt. I mock you when you stumble. and I laugh when you cry. No matter how hard you try no body will ever know you like I know you.
You do a good joy of hiding me. so once again I applaud you. but you can't kill me. Good dosen't exist without evil. There is no heaven if there is no hell. I enjoy laughing at you. Do you know what the definition of insanity is? It's repeating the same action over and over hoping for a different result. I think you are insane. You match the profile.
But go on with your life. I know you sit there and look completely un-effected but I know what's going on in your head.
I know you think that everyone has moved on and you are not worth holding on to. I know you think you are just fantasizing something that will never happen with Andy. I know you doubt you will ever make it through school. I know you feel like you will always have to be the one who cares about others. But what the hell right? "Fuck it" you tell yourself. That's life hun?
You just put on a happy face and tell yourself you like and ask for a second helping. OK, you do that. But just between you and me I find amusement in you act. I know you will come back to me. So I will quietly sit here waiting. Just for the fun of it I will time you to see how long you go 1..2..3..