(no subject)

Jun 22, 2005 01:19

Bored. Put this in your lj so as to let me know that SOMEBODY is actually reading my lj. I'm getting suspicious considering that I get absolutely no comments at all ever. (except about the llama song)

+ your name: Sydni
+ your gender: female
+ age: 14
+ height: 4'10"
+ hair color: brown
+ eye color: brown
+ your location: on the dog bed in my room
+ fears: moths, time
+ cheated on someone? nooo
+ fallen off the bed? ya
+ fallen for a relative? um...when i was young(er) and stupid
+ had plastic surgery? no
+ broke someone's heart? I hope not.
+ had your heart broken? umm..sorta
+ had a dream come true? No.
+ done something you regret? YES!!!
+ cheated on a test? no
+ been raped? no
+ broken a body part? no

+ wearing ? undergarments, a jean skirt with a petticoat-ish-kinda lining underneath and rips and tears and stuffz, a teal shirt that says "Lost in Music", colorful dangly earrings
+ listening to ? every kind of jazz music possible in an attempt to find a solo I can copy for the I-ii-V chord progression (and you thought i was going to have it easy, lucky ducky summer schoolers)
+ chewing - nothing
+ feeling - tired and depressed
+ reading ? The Chosen and The Lie That Tells a Truth (a book about writing fiction)
+ located- next to the dog bed in my room
+ chatting with ? no one
+ watching ? wish i could be watching Nadia, the Simpsons, or Will and Grace
+ should REALLY be - sleeping

SECTiON 4 [ DO YOU... ]
+ brush your teeth? ya
+ like anybody? depends what you mean by like...
+ have any piercing? one on each ear
+ drive? nyope
+ believe in Santa Claus? no
+ ever get off the computer? i shut my computer down every couple of days

+ do you belong to a crew? no
+ do you hang out with the opposite sex? yeah
+ do you consider yourself popular? nope
+ do you trust your friends? most
+ are you a good friend? i hope so...plz tell me if otherwise
+ can you keep a secret? yep

+ hugged? melliepellie
+ IMed ? taneguchi
+ talked to on the phone ? melster
+ yelled at ? Mom
+ fell in love with ? my Mom or Dad...i was too young to remember
+ turned down ? a chubby 10-yr-old

+ What do you want to be when you grow up? some kind of wild animal researcher or vet
+ What was the worst day of your life? oooo i've had a lot of bad ones
+ What has been the best day of your life? bat mitzvah mayb...i dunno...ooo or the day of the first 6th grade dance
+ What comes first in your life? music/school
+ Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush? not any currently
+ If you had an extra set of eyes were would you put them? the last place that I went everywhere I go
+ What do you usually think about before you go to bed? what i have just read in a novel or watched in a movie

+ Movie: Chicago
+ Song: Wanna Be Starting Something~Michael Jackson
+ Group: Queen
+ Store: American Eagle
+ Relative: Mommy or Daddy
+ Sport: tap dancing, water skiing, or mtn biking
+ Vacation Spot: Paridise Beach in Mexico
+ Fruit: Bing cherries
+ Candy: don't eat candy...HAH I'M STILL ON IT!!
+ Holiday: Passover
+ Day of the Week: Friday
+ Color: purple
+ Magazine: Seventeen

SECTiON 9 [ DO YOU . . .]
+ Like to give hugs? yes
+ Like to walk in the rain? NONONONONNO!!!!
+ Sleep with or without clothes on? with
+ Prefer black or blue pens? black
+ Dress up on Halloween? yes
+ Have a job? yes
+ Like to travel? yes
+ Like someone? depends what you mean by like...
+ Sleep on your side, tummy or back? back (it's healthier)
+ Think you're attractive? not really
+ Want to marry? yes
+ Have a goldfish? nope
+ Ever have the falling dream? when I was little i had a lot of those
+ Have stuffed animals? yes
+ Go on vacation? yes

+ Tattoos: eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew
+ Piercing: ears only please...just on girls
+ Make-up: guidelines (for me at least)- whatever makes my lips not look cracked and dried, hides my zits, makes my eyes a pretty color, makes my eyes a pretty shape, and makes my cheeks red-ish
+ Guys: some are total jerks, some aren't, some are incredibly hot, some aren't
+ Girls: some are total jerks, some aren't, some are the best friends ever, some aren't
+ Pierced nose or tongue? nose
+ Be serious or funny? funny
+ Single or taken? single
+ Simple or Complicated? complicated
+ MTV or BET? - MTV
+ 7th Heaven or Dawson's Creek? - 7th Heaven
+ Sugar or salt? - sugar
+ Silver or gold? - silver
+ Tongue or belly button ring? belly button
+ Chocolate or flowers? flowers
+ Angels or miracles? miracles
+ Color or Black-and-white photos? color
+ Sunrise or sunset? - sunsets
+ M&M's or Skittles? don't eat either anymore, but Skittles have gelatin and M&Ms are a gift from heaven, so i'd say M&Ms
+ Rap or Rock? - Rock
+ Stay up late or sleep in? Stay up late
+ TV or radio? - tv
+ Hot or cold? - cold
+ members of the opposite sex taller or shorter? either
+ Sun or moon? - moon
+ Diamond or Ruby? ruby
+ Left or Right? right
+ 10 acquaintances or one best friend? one best friend
+ Vanilla or chocolate? - chocolate
+ Kids or no kids? kids
+ Half-empty or Half-full? half full
+ Mustard or ketchup? ketchup
+ Newspaper or Magazine? - magazine
+ Spring or Fall? - fall
+ Give or receive? - give
+ Rain or snow? - snow
+ Happy or sad? happy
+ sneakers or sandals? sandals
+ McDonald's or Burger King? Burger King
+ Mexican or Italian food? - Mexican (plenty of complete proteins)
+ Lights on or off? -off
+ A house in the woods or the city? house in the woods
+ Pepsi or Coke? - Pepsi, but i don't drink either
+ Nike or ADIDAS? - ADIDAS
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