Plus ca change ...

Jul 15, 2014 22:29

As I just commented on fourth_rose's post, I'm so rarely on LJ these days and it makes me sad.  Although I pop over and have a look every now and then, I'm always just that bit too shy to comment after so long.  But you need to know:  you wonderful people have meant so much to me over the years. Seriously saved my sanity on more than one occasion.  *sniffs sentimentally*

Although I'm still keeping up with watching Bones and looking forward to s10 (10!), I can't seem to find the oomph to finish that one last Bones fic I've got left to finish.  The writers kept using my ideas, dammit.

But I've been keeping busy.  I'm doing heaps of graphic work for our local theatre company (all down to those icon comps at bones GA!!  Me, who had never used a graphics program in my life - thanks tempertemper) and other commissions have come from that. I'm not getting any money for it (haaaa ha ha ha) but I like to think I'm getting a bit of street cred??

I did NaNoWriMo last year (woot!) and am now more than halfway through redrafting The Novel (the closest I have EVER come to having something that might be worth publishing.  I'm not there yet, but I WILL BE.  Can you hear the determination in my voice - lol!)  And I've just started writing some new fic for an Australian drama, Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries (not sure whether anyone out there would have seen it, but if you get the chance, do.  Very classy, witty, USTy - all the good)  Such fun!

If you're curious, it's here

And, I've also recently been commissioned to write a play for 100th Anniversary of Gallipoli for our ANZAC Day in April 2015 (like Memorial Day in the US or Remembrance Day in the UK).  I am swooning with excitement and sweaty with terror.  First read through is in September.  Gulp.

That's me, what about you?

miss fisher's murder mysteries, old friends, bones, graphics, how the hell do you post on lj again?, who the hell is she again?, writing, 2bb who, oh dear, there will be fic, budding playwright

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