Aug 25, 2008 18:28
Well, today was the first day back at school. I was so ready to be back! The summer was nice, but, um, nice and long and kind of boring after awhile. So today I had three classes. Well, technically two, since my last two were just 2 hours of Spanish. But I love my education class, although I think it's going to be another one of those where I'm like "Yeah, I know that already. Thank you for reminding me." But either way, I love the professor and she's totally accomodating and it's going to be fun. I'm going to keep a very open mind about this, because I will probably learn alot. She seems so much more organized than my professor last semester, too, which is nice. Ted Drewes ice cream was amazing, and I couldn't even walk into the ARC today. I had just walked in aftter my last class, and one of the students there (who can be annoying at times), said, even before saying hi how was your summer: "2bbilingual you have a Spanish request for tutoring already." Talk to the boss. I hadn't even gotten through tthe door. So yeah, now I probably have to call a tutee tommorowl. Anyway, I realize I'm rambling, and I'm hungrry, so off I go for dinner and thern some reading...