Jan 27, 2006 15:37
*stretches* yes long time without posting. We have been much entertained lately. The first big thing is the fact that mommie has a new obsession that has taken place over the past couple of months. she is obsessed with Star Wars. she has a single braid down the side of her head that she calls her "padawan braid" related to star wars of course. i find it fun to play with. Because of course it should be all about me. I was playing with it last night and got my paw caught in the rubber band and for once I had complete control of Mommie!!!! pulling her hair and all. See she shouldnt let it hang in my face. I am supprised that she hasnt called me and pumpkin 3PO and R2 yet!
Pumpkin is also being entertaining! Papa got a new computer and until he gets a desk he has been using HER rocker. Well she used to be able to jump on the back of the chair because it was up against the wall now its in the middle of the room and when she does it the chair falls over! Sister is quite silly!
must go pounce her now.
yours Purrfectly
Dusty J