Room 305, Sunday Morning

Jan 07, 2007 12:04

Dee dee, doo deet, dee dee, doo deet...

Kaoru moaned a little at the sound of the ring tone. What was...Kyouya-sempai calling so early for? Their alarm clock hadn't even gone off yet, which meant they technically had time to sleep before going to work.

Dee dee, doo deet, dee dee doo deet...

Despite the annoyance of the call, Kaoru fumbled a little before grabbing the cell and answering, //"Hello?....Yea, hold on, I'll get them up."// He sat up with the cell at his ear, turning to shove at Ranma and Hikaru so they could get in on this call. However. Once Kaoru turned his head to look at them, he couldn't help but notice the very...interesting position the two seemed to have acquired sometime last night.

//"...I'll call you back in a few minutes, Kyouya-sempai....Yea....Okay, bye."// Click Kaoru set the phone in his lap before turning back to Ranma and Hikaru. Unless this was part of one of Hikaru's weird impromtu plans.... he really didn't know why they were... spooning....

[[ooc: roomie SP love]]

ranma saotome, kaoru hitachiin, 305, hikaru hitachiin

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