Jan 02, 2005 20:46
ok so get ready for this idk if you are ready
ok so one reason why this has come to me is because one reason and one reason only, i have such a strong feeling that i cant hold it in or share it with one person so i must seek for outside sources to satisfy myself. i cant rely on my best friend who has been there for me forever anymore.i love orion to death but i hate the way that how people cant be themselves when they have a problem bothering them because it has changed my entire way of thinking and what not. i hate feelings i hate them because its just a way to make yourself hate something or someone. whenever i like someone its always this feeling i get of unpredictability because i dont know what she is doing right now, what is she thinking, is it of me? or what not i hate not knowing what is she going to feel tomorrow, i need something to love someone to love. something to come to with my feelings, someone to have when im lonely. my life is so dull i cant stand it, when i was happy i had everything that i wanted, and then i lost it and gained a valuable thing. independence, but now that ive had it, i want to waste it and use it to find a new love, and begin on a new adventure. my life is so boring its lacking something its lacking a certain something too, something such as one to look forward to seeing every day, to hold, to love, to hate, to kiss, to wrestle, to be with, to share my life with. it needs something of this caliber to finish my long for a perfect life for me. now all you fuckers out there are saying well hey your too damn over the top, well i have a little question for you, what does your heart say when you urge the love of someone else? answer that question then read this again and you will know and relate to every last character i have computed on your computer screen. i hate love, i hate unpredictability i hate not having her. i hate thinking of what she is, i hate it to death, but i know that this is probably just some mind fuck of my imagination. my big giving, loving, dry heart is lacking one special thing. all the love i have given away hasnt ever been given back and im waiting for this one special day, then i will know what my life will be like. dont read this and say oh hes a fucking emo pussy or shit like that, think about what you have been through alone and with someone else and you will see the prime time of your life, and hopefully you will see that you werent ever anything without a second opinion or without the help or love of your significant other, whether it be your best friend or your boyfriend or girlfriend. eventually all of you will be in this space of hatred and darkness and you will strive to find new life with love, and lust.
i know i probably scared the one girl i was supposed to be reaching out to, and im sorry but i just needed to get out my long awaited feelings of hate, and love. i know that you cant probably share these feelings, but if you ever find the spot in your heart to forge with mine you will see where i come from. im sorry if i harmed, or scared you.
if i offended, im sorry, but after all you took the time to read the context of my long loved feelings
i love the way you make me feel, but i hate the way the thoughts make me think.
i leave you with this
Ambition Without Knowledge Is Like A Boat On Dry Land.