Mar 15, 2005 20:46
ok well i have lots of poems that i have written and uhh i guess tonight is the night to expose them to the critical world. tell me what you think.
if you dont like them tell me, dont hold back on it i want honesty only, if you are lying, then stfu.
"Dont you want it too"
Have you ever been so close to love
That one touch, one look, could change the outcome of your day?
Thinking of tomorrow just seems so happy
So happy to see what I have been so blind to see before
Open these hatred eyes to the bright new road,
Change my life, change my days
Repeal the death from my lungs, give me new life
Prevent me from pain, prevent my hurt
Touch my hand, give me motivation
I hate the way I am, help me change me
Tomorrow is the new start, it’s the new beginning
No more of this no more, I need the love, the purity
My blind eyes are longing for beauty
Bring me the love I’ve once forgotten
Can you see the effects you’ve had on me
Can you touch the beat of my heart
I believe the future has no limits, show me truth
Show me your love, don’t sell me short
Give me all I’ve deserved show me happiness
Change my life, change my heart
This all seems sudden, but its been too long to let go
A new tomorrow is more important than death
This death was a way to stay content in a horrid world
And I’m willing to throw it all away for you, the one and only
Show me your worth it, prove me your it, the one
I’m not here to praise some stories, its truth, hold me to it
I need this more than life, it will change me
You can change me
From thick to thin,
Your so ready to begin.
Your face bloody and grim.
Your mood even better
You feel strength, you feel hate
You just know you shouldn’t let ‘er in.
She’s evil, she’s magic
As the pain sets in your ready
Your fists clenched, your heart pumping
Your blood flowing, your ready
Your ready for the test, the hate, the blood
The Murder...
"Cant Have It"
Why cant the truth be told
Why cant she look at me with the same feeling
She plays with my mind, she toys with it I tell you
Love at first site, doesn’t even make an understatement
She’s beautiful, she is everything hopes are for
Without her never will I be what I strive
I want love, I want beauty, I want her
What’s proof, what must she need
She knows what I am, she knows
She can feel my emotion, my love
For all this, comes two results.
Heartbreak, Depression
"Good night, sweet dreams"
“Good night, sweet dreams” I said
As you left to get ready for bed
And you wash your face and get undressed
You still worry, to look your best
You say when your around me you’re a mess
But all I think, is you’re the best
I tell you, you don’t need to impress
You are the best and I’ve seen all your moods,
From waking up, to putting on your makeup,
I love you the way you are,
You are my star, baby stay how you are
As I wake you up and say good morning,
I see you and wait for your dream and story,
I love you any way you are,
Appearances don’t mean a thing, to me,
You’re the best damn girl for me,
I love your looks; I love your smile,
Don’t let me bore you with my style,
I love the way you are,
Just stay the way your are, you are my star
And I see myself saying it over again,
“Good night, sweet dreams” I said
"Seems So Good"
Stars gaze upon my face
They all seem to have that special place
One by one they appear, you look in such a gaze
They all seem to know what directions they face
They go to their spot; there sure is a lot
But as many stars you see
Cannot even describe how many ways
Ways I can say I love you
Doesn’t even describe to how much is there
And you always see that one, that one bright star
But also the dull ones are there
They all look the same so you don’t pay attention
But that one bright star stands out to me
You are the brightest star in my sky
I love you
alright thats it for now, i will post more when time comes.