(no subject)

Jul 22, 2005 12:57

they call me: Bethany or Beth, usually, depending on who.
sex: Female
my first breath of air: February 14, 1989
age: 16
status: You ain't gettin with me, ;). Brian Eric Rheault...
occupation: Cashier at Sears

college planning to go: just let me get there
wedding: maybe
children: not til I'm like 35, only 1 hopefully
looking forward to: seeing Bry
NOT looking forward to: ugh the next 2 years

feeling: tired, sick
Music: Train - Drops Of Jupiter
doing: this survey
craving: nothing
thinking of: Brian
hating: work

love is: Tough.
first love: Max
current love: Brian.
love or lust?: love
best love song: Shania Twain - From This Moment On
Is it possible to be in love w/ more than one person @ the same time?: no.
true or false - all you need is love: well you obviously need more, but the song is good
have you ever been in love?: yes
is there such thing as love @ first sight?: no

turn ons: just guys who are fun
turn offs: druggies, arrogant ass holes, weird accents
opinion on your bf matter to you? I guess
are you the type of person to holler n ask for numbers?: no

dog or cat: fish.
short or long hair: whatev
innie or outie: innie
sunshine or rain: rain
moon or sun: moon
basketball or football: football deffinetly.
righty or lefty: I'm a righty, but I go for lefties
hugs or kisses: kisses
1 best friend or 10 acquaintances: One best.
tv or radio: radio, tv is evil
summer or winter: Fall. osh
written letters or e-mails: deff written letters
playstation or nintendo: Nintendo, original
disney or nickelodeon: disney
car or motorcycle: I want a big ol' truck/old SUV. Chevy Scottsdale
house party or club: neither
sing or dance: sing
freak or slow dance: slow dance
yahoo messenger or aim: aim
google or ask jeeves?: Yahoo!

whats your most embarrassing moment?: I don't have one really
what are you scared of?: a few things
what is your greatest accomplishment?: hey I'm alive right?
how many DVDs do you have?: me personally, like 4. alot in the house though
last doctor visit: um like a month ago
last phone call: Crystal

NuMbEr .. :
of time you've been in love? once before and I really deeply am now
of boys you have kissed? some, but only one means something.
of times your name has appeared in a newspaper? once when I won an art contest when I was like 8
of scars on your body?: a few
of things in your past you regret?: not a thing
of people you have had sex with: I only count 1

pretty? to a point
funny? yeah, haha
hot? not particularly
friendly? I can be
ugly? no
loveable? if you deserve it
caring? that I am
sweet? not exactly
dorky? absolutely

actor/actress: Kate Hudson
least favorite day: every day seems to be lately
flower: I liked my roses
jewelry: my rings, and my leather bracelet, and my pentagram. the stuff I wear everyday
summer/winter: I prefer fall, really I don't know

slept in your bed: besides me, Brian
saw you cry: Brian
sent you an email: um the Glengarry Bhoys fan list? haha

said I love you and meant it? Yes
went out in public in pjs? all the time
Naked? absolutely. no.
kept a secret from everyone? yes
been to new york? yupp, oh man. Binghampton with Fran
to california? not yet

last cry: yesterday
last book read: The Celestine Prophecy
last phone call: Crystal, yesterday
last tv show: don't like tv, but I think Guiding Light when I was in Vermont
last thing in your past you regret?: nothing
showered: a couple hours ago
last shoes worn: airwalks
last cd played?: Abbey Road
last thing written: hand written, a letter
last word spoken: I don't know
last im: Melissa Evans
last ice cream eaten: some peanut butter thing
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