Well, to me that shows that he still cares for you. Maybe in a bit he'll get over this "phase" and want to go back out with you. When you mention other guys, he reilizes that you are not his, not fully, and that you could leave him for someboby else at anytime. What you do is your choice, you could tease him by flirting with other people and get him so jealous that he'll really want you back and even sooner, but you have the risk of him giving up and not pursuing or trying. That would piss me off and give up on him because I would think that he never really cared in the first place, not really caring anyways. Or you could stick with him, I don't really know what could happen. I don't want to give you advice and start worring about what I said and what I did. I want you to do what you think is best. I think it was the right nerve, I think if he really does care at all, he'll be coming to his senses soon. Men don't reilize that girls have them in the plam of there hands sometimes. Burised egos can make or break a man...or boy. Well I have to go, Alec is freaking out and licking me. Later.
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