So I went a little nuts in the DVD section of the library today

Feb 24, 2010 00:42

My local library has a surprisingly large and current DVD section, alphabetized by title.  Today my brother and I decided to spend some quality time there, and here is what we ended up coming home with:

- 300: I saw this in theaters and don't remember that much about it.  During a moment of intense dramatic fighting, one of my best friends leaned over to me and said, "I have never in my life seen anything so beautiful as 300 wet, naked, angry men."  She bought the DVD the day it came out.  The fact that I remember her comment about the film more than the film itself may bode ill for the rewatch.  But I recently received the soundtrack from SwapACD, so I thought I'd watch the film again.  I mainly ordered the OST because of Azam Ali's vocals, rather than the film itself.  Who knows?  I may enjoy the film, not just the soundtrack.

- Atonement: Okay, so I know nothing about this film, except I hear the soundtrack is good.  Also, it's directed by the guy who did Pride and Prejudice and The Soloist, and I really liked both of those.  So am giving Atonement a try.

- Blazing Saddles: I haven't watched this since I wrote that paper on it back in my Intro to Film class and we went through a Western unit.  (Remember that, earis?  Good, crazy times,late-night times were had by all.)  As I remember it, my paper focussed on contrasting Blazing Saddles to Cimaron, a western so horrid I won't even look it up to see if I spelled it correctly.  I ended up watching both about seven times each over the course of Thanksgiving break, and sort of lost my tolerance for those movies in particular and Westerns in general for a while.  But my brother has not seen it, and so I forced it upon him.  As the older sibling, it is my duty to force-feed him things that I deem culturally important every now and then, and this was one of those times.  Because in my world, Mel Brooks is of utmost cultural importance. *nods*

- Children of Men: Another film I am forcing my brother to watch because I know he'll like it.  I...did not love this film, but I remember it very well for a film I didn't love.  So that bodes semi-well for the re-watch.

- Coraline: Is this good?  I don't remember why I checked it out.  No really, I have no recolection of why I chose to welcome this film into my home.  It maybe is nominated for best animated film this year?  Am unsure.

- The Dark Knight: So I've never seen this.  And I feel like I should.  It isn't that I didn't want to see it.  It's just that I haven't gotten around to it.

- Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog: Because I've watched everything Joss Whedon has ever done except this.  If that man made a film adaptation of the phone book, I'd pay good money to see it, and I'd probably be well entertained the entire time.  I'm just saying.

- Earth: Disney's version of Planet Earth, I guess.  Mostly I want to look at pretty animals and coo over them.

...And as you can see, we only made it through the letter E.  There were too many tempting options!  I blame whoever at the library is in charge of DVD selection, because dude - this is way better than redbox.  And we only have seven days to watch all of them, because the library is mean and doesn't let us renew movies.  And...hmmm.  I checked out two films purely because of the soundtrack.  Predictable, yes?

In other news, have now watched episodes 1 - 3 of Caprica.  I don't want to get too excited about this just yet, but I may have found a new TV addiction.  I don't know how the show will be received by people who haven't watched Battlestar, but as a recovering (who am I kidding?)Battlestar addict, Caprica hit me hard.  I have many thoughts that I will need to get down in the next day or so, but for now: YAY NEW SHOW!  (See?  I did get excited in the end.  BSG played with my emotions so hard over that last season and a half, though, that I'm not sure I want to trust Caprica yet.  But it has so much potential.)

Caprica does have one thing that BSG did not.  Say it with me now: Gay mobster uncle.  So that's good, anyway.

soundtracks, my life, caprica, movies

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