SPN 6x19 squee of joy!

Apr 30, 2011 22:32


I should be working on papers that are due this week, but instead I just watched the last three episodes of Supernatural.

I have comments about how much I loved My Heart Will Go On (Ellen!!  I've missed you!!) and Frontierland ("We're gonna Star Trek 4 this bitch.") but those comments will probably never be written because omg Mommy Dearest.

Oh, show!  You did exactly what I wanted you to do!  Crowley is back!!  And he's working with Cas!

I have to admit, I really thought Crowley was dead, and I was disappointed because it seemed like such an anti-climactic way to go. And then I got sucked into the Eve storeyline and thought she was the Big Bad this season, but all the while the Big Bad has been working behind the scenes! With Cas!

Also, "I was never in your ass." You just keep telling yourself that, Cas.

Another thought: I liked it better when Eve was appearing as Mary, because I think she's a better actress, and also because I love it when Dean and Sam get all protective about their mother. I'm just saying.

And next week looks sooo incense. I love it when my characters start developing shades of grey. I love it even more when they realize they are changing and start questioning it. Squee!

So clearly I am not coherent right now, which makes this the perfect time to write 20 pages on skin cancer prevention techniques. Because nothing says "page turner" like skin cancer prevention.

episode reaction: supernatural, squee

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