(no subject)

Dec 11, 2005 01:10

ok so only reason why ill be updating this xanga i mean livejouranl is so that i remember on what to post for my xanga entries... and i mean... update to the "windsor huniezz"

So i take the weekend off from work aka not working (20 hrs this weekend) so i can study for my exams on tues and thurs. Well guess what ralph only studied for only 5 hrs!!! RAWR! Friday studied for 3hrs and today studied for 2hrs man what a waste, i sholdve just worked today fawk!

I was thinking that maybe im lazy is because this is my last weekend to study and after thursday its all over, i dont know why i get lazy. I really think its cuz i know school is over just right around the corner err blah!

So this is what i named my wireless router for my lappie...

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