:D I'm glad you liked WFE it's one of my favorites. ^.^ I'm currently reading It's Kind of a Funny Story by Ned Vinizzi and that is amazing so far. But also if you haven't read anything by John Green any of his books are lovely to read(:
It's okay, I've heard of Aussie books/UK books that haven't made it me in the states that I have been dying to read. Stupid silly publishers. *shakes head*
But then maybe I'd suggest reading some classics? :)Kerouac, Plath, and Vonnegut are all amazing.
Oh my gods, I ADORE the Mortal Instruments! :D I haven't read The Clockwork Angel yet, however (even though it's been sitting on my desk waiting to be read for several weeks now xP).
If you liked TMI, then I'd recommend The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flammel books by Michael Scott or Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials Trilogy. They're all INCREDIBLE. ^.^
I'm on like page... 50 of it. I'm reading about 6 books right now xD Anywho, one of the characters is pretty much Jace but, you know, British ^.^ but it's a lot like Michelle Zink's The Prophecy of the Sisters (which was great, one of my favorite books of the YA genre) so I'm kind of neutral towards it now.
i''m reading a bit of everything at the moment, really(x
i'm working on reading the picture of dorian gray by oscar wilde, the curicble by arthur miller, getting the girl by markus zusak, and i *JUST* finished white oleander by janet fitch--which was absolutely AH-MAZING.
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But then maybe I'd suggest reading some classics? :)Kerouac, Plath, and Vonnegut are all amazing.
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How about you? What're some of your fave books?
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If you liked TMI, then I'd recommend The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flammel books by Michael Scott or Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials Trilogy. They're all INCREDIBLE. ^.^
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Anywho, one of the characters is pretty much Jace but, you know, British ^.^ but it's a lot like Michelle Zink's The Prophecy of the Sisters (which was great, one of my favorite books of the YA genre) so I'm kind of neutral towards it now.
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i'm working on reading the picture of dorian gray by oscar wilde, the curicble by arthur miller, getting the girl by markus zusak, and i *JUST* finished white oleander by janet fitch--which was absolutely AH-MAZING.
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