Dream journal. Entry #1

Aug 08, 2022 22:14

Here are some texts I sent to friends about my dream last night:

Me: “My dream right before I woke up, was I was visiting Ireland. And the particular area I was in has frequent encounters with polar bears. And then I spent the last part of my dream running and hiding from polar bears while knocking on neighbours doors and warning them.”

Y: “To dream about a polar bear hunting and stalking you or even chasing you; foretells that your enemies might act as your friend to gain your trust and then betray you. Be aware of any new acquaintances that you may have recently met before you give them your trust.”

Y: “Apparently dreaming of polar bears can also mean strength your inner strength so if you’re running and running and being chased by that maybe you’re not acknowledging your inner strength”

Me: “Oh interesting. It was more like a polar bear roaming around looking for me. And I’m hiding around corners and trees and buildings and things. There wasn’t a point when it was chasing me that I remember. Like I was able to dodge them. And when I had a spare moment, I would knock on doors and try to tell ppl that the polar bears were here. But no one was opening their doors”

Y: “Overall polar bear seems to have good connotations”


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