Regret (The Nightmare Remix) - HP next gen drabbles

Apr 25, 2008 13:45

Fandom: Harry Potter
Characters, Pairing: Draco, Scorpius, Albus Severus(indirectly)
Summary: After learning that his son has received a snake tattoo, Draco is haunted by memories of his own Mark.
Challenge: a remix of another author's work for remixthedrabble.
Original fics: Twenty Things about Scorpius Severus Malfoy and Twenty Things about Albus Severus Potter by lilian_cho
Word Count: 200
Rating: G
Author's Notes: My first attempt at the next gen characters.
Thanks to lilian_cho for the inspiring original.

It writhed and twisted, blasphemous on pale skin. But it was too late to change his mind now. Too late to go back.

The vision changed, and he saw himself, newly marked. The serpent remained lifeless and still; it was he who seethed with darkness now. He watched, pitiless, as the figure shuddered with guilt and regret. Until he was transfixed by eyes not his own, and Draco awoke.

A snake tattoo, Jade said. And he’d laughed, knowing it was only that, nothing more. Snakes were the house symbol, after all, and Scorpius was a proud Slytherin, like his father.

The next morning, while Li was busy in the library, he asked Scorpius to show him the tattoo. He knew it’d be a simple snake, just a bit of house pride. But he needed concrete details to combat last night’s vision.

His son turned awkwardly away, unbuttoning his shirt. Draco realized he’d been expecting Scorpius to roll up his sleeve, assuming it was in the same place as the Mark.

But when Scorpius turned back to him, it was not one snake, but two. Twined together forever.

When Al’s letter arrived, he encouraged their friendship, though it was Potter’s son.

drabble, harry potter

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