For anyone who's bookmarking this site, or who's interested in only a particular pairing, this is the entry to check. I will update this as I write, with each new piece marked for a week.
Snape, Snape, and more Snape
- By Starlight - G, drabble, Marauder era.
- NEW! Self-Deception - G, drabble.
- WIP Series - follows Snape from Hogwarts through his first year with the Death Eaters
- Confession - G, drabble, crossover with Buffy: The Vampire Slayer.
Snape - no pairings
Hey, look! Other characters!
Character Studies/No Pairings
- Taking Sides - the Brothers Black, G, drabble.
- Temptation on the whispering breeze - Sirius, G, drabble.
- Blood Secrets - Sirius, G, drabble.
- Another Satisfied Customer - Draco, PG, drabble, crossover with Sweeney Todd.
- The Longing of Luna Lovegood - Luna, G, drabble.
- Smarter Than That - Cho, Marietta, G, drabble.
- Springtime - Sirius, G, drabble.
- Regret (The Nightmare Remix) - Draco, Scorpius, Albus Severus, G, drabble remix.
- The Darkness Drops Again - Igor Karkaroff, PG13, drabble.
- The Shattering of Expectations - Remus, Sirius, but decidedly not Remus/Sirius, PG13, fic.
- Hufflepuff's Decision - the Four Founders, G, poetry.
- NEW! Borgin's Mistake - Borgin, G, drabble.
- NEW! Waiting for Draco - Crabbe and Goyle, G, drabble.