
Jul 23, 2006 23:52

Adjective: Flamboyant
Response: Flan floating on water. Flan-boyant!

DAVE YOU ARE HILARIOUS. I had more friends fun today. Dave came over at 2 and we prepared for a LOST marathon with the SamSam. I ate too much Nutella, and Sammi kept offering that death to Dave. We watched all of disk two and then a bunch of disk three as well. We grilled outside too (burn one!) and sammi obsessed about tillamook cheese. Man, i just can't get enough dave and sammi action. i can't remember all the funny things we said. Though we all agreed that Danielle on Lost is a total crazy Boulderite, and the Lost icon is LAME, and that David's memory sucks so we had to keep calling michael "the black guy."

We also grilled, and ashley came over, (JOEY YOU ARE SO BAD!!!! I don't understand, he's never been agressive like that before. I felt so bad that he snapped at Ashley. I hope my parents gave him a thorough disciplining and that we can do soemthing to break this newly occuring bad habit of him being territorial.) Anyway we played fake apples to apples in my room, which is where many hilarious things happened. Ashley drew lots of hearts. Apparently the way to win me over is to draw pictures.

ok, goodnight beloved weekend. Ugh, a whole 'nother week of work? you've got to be kidding me.

tv, friends, summer, evergreen, lost, quote, food, game

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