post continued

Oct 07, 2007 16:00

Last Thursday block break was fun too, because after that ridiculous play, Casey and i hung out and then around 11:45, had a strong desire to watch Knocked Up. Like, we REALLY wanted to watch it. REALLY. So we went to Blockbuster, and they were all out. We were depressed and wandered around a while, hoping maybe someone would just magically return one. But alas... So we tried to hit up Hollywood video and they were closed. Our last ditch attempt was to check the video place at HyVee, but they didn't have it in yet. DAMN! We were bummed. On the way back Casey was like... wanna see if anyone returned one at Blockbuster by any chance? And I didn't want to go in and ask, because we'd already been in before, so he went in, and through the windows I saw him raise his hands in victory! YAY Someone had, in the 10 minutes we were gone, returned a copy! It was epic. And I laughed my ASS off with Casey watching it, even though I'd already seen it. Tres funny.

The weekend before I watched You've Got Mail. I've had a copy of it for a long time now, and had never watched it. Casey decided that was a crime, and we watched it despite the circumstances under which I'd received it. I don't know why I put it off so long; it was SUCH a great movie. I liked it after all! Made me feel good, as well-done chick flicks do.

My block break in Bettendorf was really relaxing as well. Casey and I watched another movie Friday night, Stranger than Fiction which I love. I was right when I thought that he'd like it too. Good times.

Saturday I went to the golf place to watch part of the Hawkeye game with Casey and his family, and then went to the dog park and shopping with Lindsey. YAY. Didn't end up getting any of the shoes I was looking for (damn, still don't have shoes for homecoming...) but I did get new dance shoes, and used a "free panty" coupon, which is always a good time. Had fun with Lindsey.

In the evening Casey and I had dinner with his family YUM, and we went to go see EVITA! We got all dressed up to go to the theatre, and so that was kinda fun, especially cause Casey was stressing out about what to wear since he thought he had more clothes in Bettendorf than he does. Where are his dress pants?! Weird. Got to wear my new dress, which made me happy because Casey won't be at homecoming until really late, so this way he got to see me all fancied up in it, instead of after I've been dancing for hours and am all sweaty and my hair has fallen out and my lip gloss is all gone. Haha. We talked about how it was fun to go on a fancy date, and he opened doors for me and acted like such a gentleman and told me I was the most beautiful woman in the theatre. Of course, most of the people there were senior citizens, but it was still sweet. Then we got to our seats and quietly made inappropriate and immature jokes, perhaps canceling out all the fancy classy aspects of the evening but who cares. The show was BRILLIANT. The singing and dancing were fantastic. I loved the tango; that woman is weightless. And it was neat to be watching a musical where you actually don't really like the main character all that much... Cool show, really fun to watch. Casey, being a theatre major, needs to see more big shows like my family and I do all the time. Great show. And we had a really good talk afterwards at his house too, that I'll probably remember forever. We communicate well.

The one his mom took in the family room

Us in the parking garage, before walking over to the theatre. Nice night too.

Sunday we weren't sure what to do with ourselves so we slept in, and then after much pestering on my part, we washed and waxed his car. He's been saying he wants to do it for like the last year, and now we actually had some time and nice weather to get it done. He didn't really want to at first cause he was afraid I didn't want to do that chore with him, and he didn't want his family to think he just brought me home to put me to work, but when i was the one bringing it up that we should do it, that was all fixed. Plus we had a lot of fun doing it, and it went really quickly!

Casey and his beloved little blue truck

Here he looks adorable, and does "wax on" to the hood.

I was "wax off" - Look how shiny it is right by my hand!

It was nice to have a good long weekend with him, because this weekend I've not really seen him. He's got run crew for A Perfect Wedding, so he's busy from like 10am-midnight each day. Though he did come up on Friday after I got out of class (I like ran down the stairs of college hall straight at him I was so excited!) and we walked and eventually had a nice dinner at the Lincoln Cafe. YUM GOOD BURGER. It was relaxing. Although I did see a spider, and found Russian money behind a brick in the wall... curious.

Friday night was PAAC's Casino Night, and my Cornell-LUCK still runs strong. I made a lot of money and won twice at Bingo, and then I won a raffle and got the game Catch Phrase! It's now in our living room if you feel like playing at all. Julia and I sat on the couch and played for quite a while while finishing my pickles! I am still sad we didn't win the cocoa set, but oh well. I can't believe I still win everything. We later visited Heather in the box, played with her new markers, made fun of cosmo, and at 11 Julia and I got in PJs and ate a microwavable fudge brownie while watching Sex and the City. It was a great evening. Nice to hang out with just Julia again, like when we lived together and just wanted to play with each other sometimes.

Ok, yesterday and today later.

P.S. You can view the rest of my random crazy 1st block pictures(or any recent photos) here:

friends, casey, photos, musicals, block break, movie, theatre

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