Exhibit status: DONE!

Aug 10, 2007 17:29

I finished my exhibit! Not the one that I'm merely helping Leigh do a little part of, MY Exhibit! I'm proud can you tell? The seal one is really nice, and I'm glad I got all my points on there. I still think the big bright white square the seal is on looks a little silly with everything else in the case colored, or cream/tan, but Keith insists it looks good. I am really pleased. The state songs exhibit (Can you believe "Rocky Mountain High" was actually officially made Colorado's state song? Well, one of two.) looks really great and I'm very glad I hunted down that pamphlet. It's like it was placed at the front desk just at the right time just for me. Well, it was probably put there for Colorado day last Wednesday, but whatever.

Plexiglass display cases are heavier than they look.

Anyway, that's done. DONE! I know it only took me a week, but it felt a lot longer than that. After my internship today it rained and hailed like crazy just as I got into the parking garage. It was a miracle because I didn't get wet, and just as the door to the garage closed behind me the weather kicked in. Safe behind huge windows looking over the pretty part of Denver I watched the tempest unfold. Eventually I came home, picked up my pictures at Walmart, and filled my album all the way through December 2006. Just need to do 2007 and I'm set.

I need to study more for that damned GRE. You know what's awesome about University of Toronto? They don't care about the GRE. They don't care. Go Canada. Plus it's only the best medieval studies program in North America (land that didn't experience the middle ages). I'm excited about that school. But can I really drag Casey to Toronto with me? We want to stay together, but I need to go somewhere that will be a good place for him to be after college as well! We'll see how it all works out. I'm not going to worry about 1 year from now just yet. Focus on Monday's GRE.

photos, internship, grad school

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