Mar 13, 2004 13:35
Second dream... I was on a The Bachlor type show where there were 3 girls competeing to pick one guy out of like 10 i think... and we were at a carnival... and we went to the love tunnel thing.. and i was hitting on this one girl named chloe, and telling her she dosnt have to win the game to date me... Plus for some reason I knew one of the other girls was gonna win... I think it was 'Hichelle'... hahaha oh then i got stuck going in the love tunnel with this FAT ugly black lady. but i didnt really mind.. then we ended up going in different boats and racing instead...
Third dream... This is the best one! So me and **** were leaving a sharks game or something.. and i let her drive, and we were talking as we pulled out of the garage, and for some reason the end of the conversation ended with me kissing her.. i reached over and stopped the car and we kissed alot more... then i stopped, looked away and went to pull in a real parking place cause i didnt know where we were.. haha so i did, and when i turned back, she was some DIFFERENT girl! I picked her up and threw her in the backseat... and MattPo was there! hahahaha so we couldnt do anything else, then matt was like telling her some problem he was having... hmm then somehow we ended up in my room, and i thought i was awake now.. my parents come in and yell at me for some reason, then when they leave i realize that girl was there so i was asking her how much of what had happened was real, and she said everythign in the car.. and its true that Josh was dead! (yah that never even happened yet). and i didnt believe that so we walked over to Joshs, and (the BEST part)there was a line of glasses of water about 10 glasses long... in the middle of Joshs court. There were 3-4 ducks running around the glasses and at the end of the line was a plate of steaming corn that were eating furiously.... I went into Nicks house to see what was up (if you dont know, nick lives next door to Josh). When i go inside, Cathi's family is there... and for some reason i believed Cathi used to live in this house before nick did... "oh, so I guess in the real world, cathi never moved out of her house here so Nick never moved into it... so no one knows Nick!" I asked her 'dad' about the ducks and he said "we wanted to do somethng for Josh that people would remember, just flowers and a nice service werent enough...
Thats all that i remember, but theres more.. somethign about driving, and something about a TV and messing with the equalizer.
I hope this brightned your day, cause its pretty crazy. Now i gotta go do some crap, so I'll see ya later!