May 22, 2004 22:45
hey yall wat sup?not to much here just sittin week has been good..we had our play"THE HANKERIAN HILLIBILLIES" that was a good play..!!!!we done 3 shows....after that we wnt bowling!!! that was fun!!!! i would have won the game but SAMANTHA MCREYNOLDS jenksied me...sry i cant spell!!!!but ne wayz i had fun!!!! i am sure gonna miss those ppl goin to high school next year....especially the drama ones....we became..good friends!!!!!! well thats it for now everybody leave some comments!!!!!!!!!
SHAE -28-
BRIANNE "AND JUST WAT IS U GONNA DO ANOUT IT?" i love when "U" said that!! everybody done a GREAT JOB!!!!!
SHAE -28-