Memage borrowed/stolen from vegawriters.....

Mar 07, 2010 14:53

Never done this before, so forgive if I didn't do it right.....

-- Name: Jessica
-- Birth date: October 21
-- Birthplace: Tupelo, MS
-- Current Location: Tupelo, MS
-- Eye Color: Blue
-- Hair Color: Dark Brown
-- Height: 5'7"
-- Righty or Lefty: Righty

-- Your heritage: Sadly enough, I don't know a lot about my family's heritage; it's something that I've never bothered to delve into too much.  I DO know that I'm from English/Scottish bloodlines, hence my fair appearance.
-- Your weakness: Puppies, babies, and yeah...chocolate :)
-- Your fears: Instability, poverty, and insignificance.
-- Your perfect pizza: Pepperoni, extra cheese, and pineapple.
-- Goal you'd like to achieve: Earn my master's in criminal justice and work as a victims advocate in NYC.

-- Your most overused phrase(s): LOL, anything including a cuss word.
-- Your thoughts first waking up: Where's the SNOOZE BUTTON?
-- Your best physical feature: I've always been told that my eyes are great...oh and that I have a nice ass.  Not sure about that one.
-- Your bedtime: 10:30ish, although it usually takes me about a hour to wind down.
-- Your most missed memory:  My years in college, strangely enough.  Oh, to have those days back.....

-- Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi, but I try not to drink too much of that stuff.
-- McDonald's or Burger King: I really detest either one....if I do fast food, it's usually something like Taco Bell.
-- Single or group dates: Kinda partial to both, actually.  It's always fun to me to get to know people and spend time picking their brain.
-- Adidas or Nike: Adidas.
-- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Um, whatever's on sale :).
-- Chocolate or vanilla: Definitely chocolate.
-- Cappuccino or coffee: Coffee, with a little cream and sugar.

-- Smoke: Sadly, yes.  But a pack of cigarettes will last me about three days.
-- Cuss: More than I should.  It's a really bad habit for me :(
-- Sing: I sing in the shower, in the car, etc.  Used to sing for church, and actually won a couple of competitions.
-- Take a shower every day: I live in the South, famous for it's insane humidity, so....yes.  It's a must.
-- Have a crush(es): Besides my fandom crushes, no.
-- Do you think you've been in love: I've been in love twice.
-- Want to go to college: I would love to attend Columbia University in NYC, but in the interest of practicality, I'm planning to work on my degree online.
-- Like high school: I really loved high school.  I had lots of friends (at least I thought I did at the time)  It was a fun experience.
-- Want to get married: I've been married, so no, I'm not really looking to go down that road again.
-- Believe in yourself: I try very hard to.  I spend a lot of time being paralyzed with self-doubt.
-- Get motion sickness: God, yes.  Always stay stocked on the Dramamine.
-- Think you're attractive: I'm average. Not gorgeous but not completely hideous either.
-- Think you're a health freak: Not near as much as I should be.  I've tried to amend my eating habits to include healthier choices and I've increased my physical activity.
-- Like thunderstorms: Not really.
-- Play an instrument: Used to take piano lessons like a million years ago, but I didn't stick with it.  Wish I had of.

In the past month . . .
-- Drank alcohol: Yes, I'm quite partial to beer.
-- Smoked: Every day.
-- Had sex: Not with anyone else :P.
-- Made out: No, not really.
-- Gone on a date: No, too much other shit going on right now.
-- Gone to the mall: I don't really like the mall.  If I'm gonna shop, I like little thrift stores and stuff like that.
-- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: Lord no, Oreos make me sick.
-- Eaten sushi: I have never eaten sushi.
-- Been on stage: Lord no.
-- Been dumped: My 3 year relationship ended a couple of weeks ago, but that was at my insistence.
-- Gone skating: No, I prefer my bones to stay un-broken.
-- Shoplifted: Never.
-- Changed who you were to fit in: Not really.  Even when I was younger, I always believed that if you have to change for someone, then it's not something you need to be involved in.  Having said that, I also think that some change is necessary to make it through this life.

-- Age you hope to be married: I don't ever expect to get remarried.
-- Numbers and Names of Children: I always thought 2 kids was a good number.  But I really don't see that happening for me at this point.  I always liked the names: Boys-William and Evann....Girls-Abigail and Olivia.
-- Describe your Dream Wedding: I guess it would be a beach wedding, but I don't really think about it much anymore.
-- Where you want to go to college: Columbia University.
-- What do you want to be when you grow up: Well, I think I'm pretty grown, but I'm not done living yet.  I really want to have a career in criminal justice.  Preferably as a victims advocate, working with the DA and court system.  It's always been a passion of mine.
-- What country would you most like to re/visit: England.  I think it's so culturally rich, and I'd love to visit it someday.

In a guy/girl . . .
-- Best eye color: Color doesn't matter, really.  It's the depth and dynamic I see there that attracts me.
-- Best hair color: Kinda partial to brunettes.
-- Short or long hair: Makes no difference.
-- Height: No preference really.  Tall guys(or girls) kinda catch my eye though :).
-- Best weight: Again, it's more about the person than the package for me.
-- Best articles of clothing: Whatever's casual.  I'm a tee shirt and jeans kind of girl.
-- Best first date location: Somewhere comfortable and quiet, a coffee shop would be a great place IMO.
-- Best first kiss location: Hopefully this kiss would be so incredible that I wouldn't even know WHERE I was..... :D

-- Number of drugs taken illegally: I've smoked a little pot, but beyond that I stay away from the crap
-- Number of people I could trust with my life: Not many.  I have a couple good friends.
-- Number of CDs that I own: Must I count them all?
-- Number of piercings: Two piercings in each earlobe.
-- Number of tattoos: Three.
-- Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?:I hope not many.
-- Number of scars on my body: I can't count that high.  No really, just a few.
-- Number of things in my past that I regret: Again, I can't count that high.  I have a lot of regrets, but now I'm just trying to work through them the best that I can.


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