And by the power vested in me by a website...I now pronounce you Sue and Sue....:)

Nov 25, 2010 01:25

Just watched this week's Glee...and oh God how this show continues to delight me!!

It was cute and sweet and serious and sad--all put together.  And once again I have to say how great I think it is that they are tackling the bullying issue.  I think that it's shedding some much-needed light on this subject and the way the schools deal with (or do not deal with) what's going on.

I was crying like a baby during the last scene, although I completely saw it coming.  I think Kurt will be back, but it will be interesting to see how Sectionals will play out.  I'm super-stoked for next week's ep!!

Just thought I'd throw that out there....

glee!, kurt!

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