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Apr 02, 2004 17:33

I am not sure if any of you have noticed, but I have spent the past week in pain and sleeping little. It turns out that I need to have my gallbladder removed early next week. If it gets to bad this weekend I will go to the ER for it to be removed. Care to hear how we got to this conclusion?

Last Thursday- I am feeling pain after eating and waking up in the middle of the night with my left side aching.

Last Friday- Woke up this morning feeling very nausous. I thought that I had the stomach flu that was going on.

Saturday- Felt good during the day and thought that I had shook this off. That night though I was incredibly sick and barely made it home from the movies.

Sunday- Woke up in the middle of the night again.

Monday-Tuesday- Felt achy and irritable. Woke up in the middle of the night both nights.

Wednesday- I woke up early in the morning in increased pain. I decided to go to Urgent Care. Urgent Care would not allow me to discuss any of the stomach issues, just the back pain since that was what was wrong at the moment. They thought it might have been Kidney Stones, but test come back negative. They sent me home with extra strenght motrin and said it was back pain or a pulled muscle.

Thursday- I woke up at about 3 in the morning in very intense pain. The motrin was not touching the pain, My whole left side felt incredibly sore and provoked. I headed to the ER where I spent 4 hours asking for pain medication so that I could sleep since I was exhausted at this point. After waiting there for what seemed like forever I was sent home with medicine for a stomach ulcer. I got home and got sick promptly after taking that medicine and my pain had not gone away,

Thursday Afternoon- I made an emergency appointment at the doctor's office. They agreed that all of the prior diagnosises seemed incorrrect. They could see I was in pain and wanted to get to the root of it. Even though all the tests had come back negative for kidney stones they decided to schedule a CT scan to further look at my kidneys. They sent me home with pain meds, stomach meds, and gave me a shot to combat nausousness.

Friday Morning- I woke up after sleeping little once again and headed to get a CT scan done. This test was very easy and quick. Two hours later my doctor called and told me that my kidneys were fine, but my gallbladder was englarged and they wanted to further test even though my pain was on my left side and my gallbladder on the right.

Friday Afternoon- I go in for an ultrasound ASAP. The technician found things quite easily, but I had to wait for my doctor to get back from lunch to share the findings. It turns out that my gallbladder is extremly englarged with stones. So I have an appointment to meet with the surgeon Monday and hopefully I will get it out on Tuesday.

So please keep me in your thoughts and prayers. I hope this doesnt ruin my spring break plans. I want to see Adam now more then anything. He is trying to get here, but plane tickets at the last minute are over 1000 dollars.

p.s. I am sorry if things are spelled wrong and do not make sense I am not in the best frame of mind right now.
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