F r i e n d

Apr 11, 2010 13:01

Suddenly I felt the importance of having really good friends around you.

Someone whom you can run to, apart from God. Someone whom you can lean on, whose broad shoulders are always there for you. Someone who will always be there emotionally and physically to his or her best ability. Someone who genuinely cares and loves you for who you are. Someone who will walk in when others walked out on you. Someone who is willing to hear and to share. Someone who is there to confront your enemies for you, help you, encourage you and push your back when you need it the most. Someone who will remember your birthday and make effort to celebrate. It's really not the present or gift which matters the most. It is just purely the genuine gestures, action taken and your presence which matters the most.

I need you, I need you my friend.
Where art thou?

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