Jul 26, 2010 23:26
hatin' them more and more. i know it's not the best thing to do, but i can't ignore the hatred that is pushing against me. it's pressing harder, it it piles up, it's too thin, the string that attached me to sanity. i want to get away, but where? meet my parents, meet my family. meet those who, under the excuse of an overprotective love, decided to cage me, to drink away my mind, drop by drop, to lock my distractions away, and fill in the glass with restrictions, yelling, tears and despair. am i mad? slightly. how does it feel like,when i cant even enjoy my holidays? when im putting up with her being sick, moody, and simply mind-fucking. going out? no. internet? limited. friends? who the hell is allowed to see them. current band? unapproved of and almost interdicted. happy? my ass.
i got yelled at because i dared to meet the band's guitarist today, who is 18. coz i will LIEK GET RAEPD 11!!ONEONE!.
fuck you in the ass hard. i cant wait to get away from you. i wont look back, i wont care. hell, i might even regret it, but im not giving you my compassion. not ever. i will fucking stop being your nice little kid. if theres something i must do, i WILL do it. no matter what. i will not give up my band, my friends, my life. for what? fuck, ruki himself knows what its like to be controlled by nazists.
i now finally have friends, get messages,calls, invitations from all sorts of people,and what do i do? oh sorry my parents are jackasses, i cant come with you guys, have teh funz without me coz im FUCKING CAGED HERE.
please die, both of you, if you cant get me better than this. leave me alone, at once. you cant make me do anything. im fucking sick of seeing you BOTH 24/24, of your loud fucking voices scratching in my ears. stop thinking of me as a puppet on strings. i wont just submit to that. NOT.
end of story, thank you. in the name of theGazettE, dysfunctional families,unhappy childhoods, and punks who fought the laws. the laws won. but we will do. amen.