FFIV/FFVIII: "Fire Veins", Quistis/Rydia

Apr 30, 2008 10:18

Title: Fire Veins
Characters/Pairings: Sev/Katy Quistis/Rydia, Leviathan
Summary: The link between Rydia and the GF was odder and stronger than Quistis had thought, and she didn't know what all it could mean. [Totally for Sev's "Mouths of Monsters" verse!]

She was trained to have reflexes working faster than her conscious thoughts did, and had been on high alert for weeks anyway, so it was no wonder that Quistis woke in the dead of night thinking that something was out of place. She pushed aside the blankets and blinked sleep from her eyes- her nerves were on overdrive, screaming at her, and the GF were strangely silent in her head.  Usually, when she slept, she could catch snippets of their own thoughts and dreams as they drifted through her mind, and tonight, they were oddly quiet.  She rubbed a hand on her forehead and stood, resigning herself to forsake any further sleep.  She had to figure out what had woken her and take care of it- that's what Squall assigned her to do, wasn't it?

She checked the rest of the dorms quickly, noting that the only unused room was Irvine's, who was currently out on assignment.  Everything seemed in order until she reached the last one, the guest room, which she knew had been given to the strange emerald-haired newcomer she'd discovered in the cavern.  She didn't need to open the door with a muffled squeak to know that the bed was empty- she could tell already.  The GF moved in her head, restless and anxious, and she frowned, turning away from the empty room.  The summons in her head were creating a low buzzing noise in her ears.  Where had Rydia gone?

As if she was moving in a dream, she started towards the Training Center.  She could feel a tug in her head, and it concerned her- the GF were acting so strangely, especially around the green-haired girl, that Quistis was almost ready to un-junction them completely just to get them out of her mind.  Her feet walked the familiar path unconsciously, and the bright neon lights hurt her eyes as her vision re-adjusted from the darkness.

She found Rydia within the Training grounds, not more than a few yards away from the entrance.  The girl was covered in a thin sheen of perspiration, arms outstretched, hair blowing like molten gems over her shoulders.  Her eyes were closed in concentration, but from the way she bit her lower lip, it didn't seem that whatever she was doing was working.  When Quistis entered, Rydia's eyes snapped open, and her arms dropped back down to her sides.

"What are you doing- oh," Rydia said, sighing.  Her shoulders slumped forward suddenly.  "I'm sorry.  I didn't even think it would wake you."

"What were you doing?" Quistis asked.  The ringing in her head subsided, and the GF quieted once more.

"Calling," the girl sighed again.  "I just- I can't do it anymore, can I?"

Quistis wasn't entirely sure she even knew what Rydia meant, but she took a seat on an overturned barrel anyway and linked her ankles together.  From what she could gather, the girl's "calling" was an awful lot like bringing out a junctioned GF to battle in order to use its abilities.  It would explain the reason the GF woke her, and the buzzing- but she didn't know how Rydia could have come in contact with the GF Quistis had junctioned to herself.  Such connections were supposed to be impossible.

"I don't know," Quistis answered honestly.  There was no use lying to the girl now. Rydia frowned, looking sad and lost and very small standing in the middle of the open training area.

"You have him, don't you?" Rydia asked, and Quistis blinked at her from her perch.


"Levia," the other girl stated.  "He's in your head."

How she had known that Leviathan was one of the GF she had junctioned, Quistis didn't know, and she tried to keep the surprise from her face.  When Rydia laughed mirthlessly, Quistis knew she hadn't quite succeeded.

"I can feel him," the green-haired girl said, by way of explanation.  "He was- always the closest to me."

"Does it make it stronger, when I'm here?" Quistis asked.

"Yes," Rydia said. She tilted her head slightly and studied the blonde.

"I'm sorry," Quistis replied, automatically.

"Don't be," the other girl said.  "It's nice, actually.  I can feel him, get snatches of what he's feeling.  It makes me feel connected again."

"I don't know what this means," Quistis admitted, staring down at the palms of her hands.  "You shouldn't be able to feel them at all.  They are junctioned to me- proximity shouldn't mean anything."

When she looked up again, Rydia had moved closer, standing a few feet in front of her.  Her face was a mask of concentration- her lips were pursed, her brow furrowed, and her expression was cloudy with something Quistis could not describe.  She could only assume it to be magic; something akin, perhaps, to her own Blue Magic.

"Does it get stronger when you get closer?" Quistis asked, when a long moment of silence had passed.

"Yes," Rydia said, nodding.  She walked closer still, and held a hand out.  Quistis could see her fingers trembling in the bright flourescent lights of the training ground.  With the brightness coming from behind her, her hair lit up like a halo around her head.  She looked ethereal and distinctly other-worldly.  "I can almost-"

She paused for a moment, and Quistis could see her chest moving rapidly with quick breaths.  And then, Rydia took one more step and stretched her hand out.  Her fingers made contact with Quistis' own, brushing over her digits, and the spark there was unmistakable.  Rydia felt it too; she gasped a bit and pulled away again, her hand still poised in mid-air.

"What was that?" Quistis asked, uncurling her fingers slightly from their place on her lap.

"I could sense them," Rydia said. She bit her lip.  "I think- since they are in your head, I can almost hear them when I touch you."

Rydia moved her hand forward again, pressing two of her fingers against Quistis'.  The shock was there again- and Quistis could feel the magic sparking there.  Leviathan began to move in her head, shifting through things, slowly and steadily moving forward as if he was going to materialize in front of her.  It took her a moment to realize that Rydia hadn't broken the contact between them, and that the tingle was still in her hand.

The green-haired girl took a step forward and wrapped her hand around Quistis', her fingers feeling warm and rather welcome.  The tingle only intensified, and when Quistis raised her head, she met Rydia's intense gaze.  She wasn't even sure what that look meant, but the fire in her veins was causing shivers to run down her spine and settle at the base.  Rydia moved her hand up Quistis' arm, her fingers gentle and deft and sometimes barely touching the bare skin at all, until her hands were at the blonde's shoulders and curving over the ridge of her collarbone.

"What is this?" Quistis whispered. She didn't think she could get out anything louder than a breath.

"Magic," Rydia replied.  "You're magic."

It seemed more like a statement than a question, but Quistis nodded anyway, feeling slightly uncomfortable under Rydia's gaze.  The other girl hardly even seemed phased by the odd contact and the intimacy she had created between their forms- if anything, she was oblivious to it entirely, focusing on the sensations alone.  Quistis shuddered and closed her eyes when Rydia's fingers began to circle on her shoulders, sweeping slightly under the collar of her nightgown and then up her neck to where her ear met her jaw.

The tingling fire sensation followed where Rydia's hands were- when her fingers brushed over the curve of Quistis' cheeks, she tilted her head to lean into the sensation. It was almost maddeningly gentle; like the caress of a lover, like something she wanted more of, something she couldn't get enough of.  The fingertips roamed to her hairline, crossing her forehead, until they separated again and moved down her cheeks to her mouth.

Rydia's fingers swept across the part of her lips, across the corners of her mouth, lingering on her bottom lip.  Quistis was acutely aware of how fast her heart was beating; the fire on her mouth was close to making her squirm, and she wondered vaguely if Rydia had any idea of what she was doing.  The tingles began to move, down her jaw to her neck again, and Quistis finally managed to open her eyes.

For a second, she met Rydia's dark gaze, and it lasted only a moment before the other girl had leaned in and brushed her mouth across Quistis'.  The contact was as gentle as the feather-light finger touches had been, but it was enough to send a jolt of electricity down Quistis' back.  She gasped, wanting it to both stop and intensify at the same time. Rydia's hands were cupping her face, fingers gently brushing the bottom of her ears, and she leaned in again.

The second kiss was more forceful than the first- the pressure more intense and the fire stronger.  Quistis could do nothing other than melt into the sensation, moving her lips across Rydia's, biting back the moan threatening to spill out.  She could feel Leviathan in her head- though what the GF was thinking, she hadn't the faintest clue.  Rydia ran her tongue across Quistis' bottom lip, and with a shuddering gasp, Quistis opened her mouth to give her access; the tingles were spreading and intensifying, and she was helpless to resist.  She wrapped her arms around Rydia's shoulders, marveling, idly, at how small the other girl was.

She didn't know how long they stayed like that, but Rydia pulled away, her face still close enough for Quistis to feel the heat of her breath.

"We-" Rydia started, pausing to run her tongue over her lips.

"Yeah," Quistis said.  Her heart was hammering in her chest and her breath was choppy and short, and she struggled to regain control over her emotions.  The GF in her head had gone silent once more- though whether it was in response to the loss of Rydia's touch or something else entirely, she didn't know.  The ramifications of what had just happened hit her like a slap in the face; if Rydia had not pulled away, she could only imagine what could have followed, and they were in plain sight in the middle of the Training Center.

Rydia dropped her hands, and Quistis' entire body ached for the fire to return.

"We should probably-" Rydia trailed off again, and Quistis managed to slip off of her perch without falling over when her legs trembled. She reached out and grabbed Rydia's wrist.

"Come with me," she said, and led the girl out of the Training Center into the brightly lit corridors.  Perhaps finishing what they had started would stop the unbearable ache in her core and satiate the GFs- and if nothing else, it was worth the risk to see if the fire would turn into fireworks.
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