FFVIII - Initiative

Apr 30, 2008 23:16

Title: Initiative
Fandom: Final Fantasy VIII
Characters/Pairings: Seifer, Irvine (Seifer/Irvine)
Rating: Hints at cock!
Summary: SeeDs are allowed a certain amount of autonomy.

"It's a bit early in the evening for you to turn up, isn't it?"

Irvine shrugs, sliding onto the barstool next to Seifer's. "Why would it be early?"

"I haven't drunk enough to talk about how much I hate Garden yet," Seifer said, flatly. Irvine raised an eyebrow. Seifer refused to look at him. "You've been reporting to Garden all along, right?"

"I am supposed to keep an eye on you," Irvine admitted, easily. He ordered a drink for himself and sat there with it, not saying anything more, just looking at Seifer.

Finally, Seifer gave in. "What, you think I still want to talk to you?"

"I was hoping so." Irvine shrugged, finishing off his drink. "I'm not on duty right now. And I don't think I'm supposed to report on the kinds of things you say when you're having sex." He grinned, crookedly. "That part's purely for my own interest."

"Kinneas," Seifer half-growled. Irvine just met his eyes, raising an eyebrow.

"I thought you'd progressed to using my first name?"

"What do you want?"

When Irvine kissed him, he didn't taste as much like alcohol as he usually did, and the edges of the first kiss didn't blur into the second. Seifer was more aware than ever of the way Irvine's fingers threaded through his short hair, of the way Irvine nipped lightly at his lip. It wasn't the kind of kiss that would blur into the background fuzz of alcohol in the morning. He wasn't drunk enough for that yet.

"That," Irvine said, simply. "If you want it too. I haven't reported anything in particular to Squall in the past month."

"Won't he -- "

"SeeDs are supposed to follow their own initiative when given assignments like this, you know," Irvine said, and shrugged. "That's what I'll do."

Seifer couldn't help but smile -- an actual, honest to god smile. He quirked an eyebrow. "Think you can keep me out of trouble?"

"If you start acting up, I can always chain you to the bed," Irvine said, smirking.
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