Be(e) Mine

Feb 14, 2010 16:37

Title: Be(e) Mine
Pairing: USxUK
Rating: G
Summary: AU, young Arthur didn't get any Valentines.
For usxuk Sweethearts Week

All the little children in Mr. Gaius' class had made glitter covered, heart shaped envelopes to collect Valentines from all their classmates in. Alfred's was covered in stars, Francis' had some crudely drawn roses drawn on it, Ivan's was shaped like a sunflower, Yao's had stickers that looked an awful lot like Hello Kittys on his. Feliciano had drawn a bunny on his, Matthew a bear. Everyone's was unique just like how Mr. Gaius told them they were all unique everyday.

The kids walked around the desks, giving their friends little cards. Gilbert pulled Elizaveta's hair hard so she looked the other way while he put a card in her colorful, flower-covered envelope. Arthur sat at his desk; he'd passed out all his cards. The little British boy took his envelope from off the front of his desk. His was covered with little drawings of faeries and unicorns, he was quite proud of it. Putting a hand inside, Arthur found nothing. He shook the envelope out on the desk, nothing fell out. He peeked inside, no, there were no Valentines for him. The tousle haired little boy sat alone at his desk, sniffling and rubbing his eyes.

Alfred carefully poured all the Valentine's he'd received out onto his desk. Behind him a couple seats, he could hear sniffling. It was Arthur. The American boy frowned when he saw that his friend hadn't any cards. He tried to remember, surely he'd given him one. Alfred went to his cubby. Inside, he found a little card. He grinned, no, he hadn't forgotten Arthur after all. His card had just run away.

"Arthur," The little American called, rushing over to his friend's desk. The boy looked up after feverishly rubbing his tears away. "Arthur, here, I got you a Valentime." He held out a card.

Arthur took it with a little surprise. On it was a simply drawn bumblebee inside a big lopsided red heart. Underneath was written: Bee Mine. The British boy smiled and held the card close. "Thank you, Alfred," he said.

"You're welcome," Alfred leaned down and gave him a peck on the cheek. "Happy Valentimes Day." Arthur's face was bright red as Alfred skipped away to his desk.


Eight years later, Arthur and Alfred were waking through the halls on their way to algebra.

"Hold on," Arthur said, cutting over to his locker on the left side of the hall, "I forgot something." He twisted out the lock's combination and opened the door. A little piece of paper fell out.

"Hey, Artie," Alfred said, bending down, "You dropped some--" He saw the old Valentine's card with the heart and the bee and started smiling. "Woah, Arthur, I didn't know you still had this." Arthur caught sight of the card and blushed furiously. "You, uh, do you still want to be mine?" He offered the card back to the Brit.

Arthur took it gently and looked at the card. He smiled, then looked up at Alfred; he jumped onto his tiptoes and gave him a chaste kiss.

"Of course I do," Arthur whispered.

us/uk, america, axis powers hetalia, au, england

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