Depressed yet again - does it ever stop

Mar 23, 2007 23:26

short and sweet
it's my 4th anniversary and I am home alone (well with Noah)
Hubby is driving my insane Mother-in-law back to North Carolina, left at noon today
had my cards read - seems I am buying a house in less than a month and in less than 2 months SHE will be living with us
my husband lost it on the way out the door today - so much stress
he is a 7 yr old around her and that's how she treats him
I'm making myself sick over this as well
lost 2 days of work this week because of it all
hubby lost 1 but maybe Monday as well, although he does have a return flight for sunday- he's so sick with a head cold
so here's a question for who ever wants to answer it - lol
So should I be happy I am getting the house of my dreams - then having to take care of a 60yr old insane woman who's healthy as a horse and will last another 30 yrs
WHY am I ALWAYS the care giver?
I am getting tired of it all!
not cool to see hubby crying walking out the door to drive his mother home / not wanting to be in her prescence
how do I turn this into a positive? I stayed out till 10pm last night so I didnt have to talk to her in her drugged state, came home to her lying on the couch she took my couch cover off and made a bed, we have a pull out bed upstairs - ugh
then she was up all night eating her way thru my pantry
then woke us up at 5am because my 12-yr olds alarm beeped upstairs and she was already awake so she wanted to make sure Michael was awake, she stood in our bedroom doorway calling him to help her get packed
at 5am my stomache started in knots
they didn't leave until 11:30am all that time dictating to Michael what he needed to do to get them ready to leave and at the same time dictating to Michael to get Noah out the door as well
I hid in my room upstairs, pretending to be asleep
so Noah and I went to the movies, saw Bridge to Terabitha - how could they kill a young girl in a disney movie? Didnt seem right until my 12 yr old told me that they even killed Bambi's mother in the first scene
he can be such an old soul at times
but it did get him to say he wanted to start drawing again which is cool, he started drawing imaginary people back when he was 4 because our friends Deb & Krystoff had a Art Gallery Showing and he creates whole planets of imaginary people/things with broken bits of everyday life, one statue is about $800 - $2k and he sells them to high end collectors - he really inspired Noah at 4 to start drawing - that actually came back today at the ,movies - wow
ok so this wasn't so short and sweet
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